sarah | if you wanna be my lover

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         After school ends Kaida and I meet up with Ben at a nearby café.

      "Little Callaghan, Sarah," the messy haired boy says with a smile as we join him at the table.

         "Hi Ben," Bella says smiling. I knew out of her brothers friends that Ben was someone who could be trusted. Nash of course could too but that was different. Nash was and always would be Kaida's. We could be with Ben without worrying about what Kaida thought.

         "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asks.

    "I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend," I say, and his eyes widen, glancing between my girlfriend and I before looking back at me.

       "You have a girlfriend," he points out, "and last I checked you don't like boys."

       "But I have a homophobic family that is catching on. I need to throw their noses off the scent. Not for long, just long enough for them to think I'm straight then I'll make up some tragic breakup story. I'll do anything, I don't want to be forced to lose Bella."

         "You're good at math right?" he asks.

      I nod, "yeah I'm in my second year of AP calculus."

     "If you can help me pass my algebra course you've got yourself a deal."

       "Deal! Thank you thank you thank you!" I say smiling.

      "So tell me more about yourself, if I'm going to have to pass as your boyfriend," Ben says.

     "Well I'm the oldest of 7. My brother David is 16 and an asshole. Very "holier than thou" attitude so just avoid him wherever possible. Rachel is 14 and discovering boys are hot so she's always worried about what she looks like. Rebekah is 13 and a total nerd, ask her about Percy Jackson and she'll be your best friend. Jacob is 11 and Isaac is 9, those two you won't see much they are always outside riding bikes. And Miriam is the youngest, she's six and a total sweetheart but be warned she gets clingy fast."

       "Wow that's a lot. Let me try their names, Jacob then Rebekah, then Rachel, then Jacob, then Isaac, then Miriam."

     "Close," I say, "flip Rebekah and Rachel. Rachel's older."

       "Got it," he says nodding, "and what about your parents?"

     "My dad's name is Gabe, he's an accountant. Pretty quiet but funny if you can get him to talk. My mom's name is Mary Magdalene, be careful to not forget the Magdalene, or just call her Mrs. Louis. She's freakishly religious and probably won't like you."

     "She probably won't like me?" he asks, looking confused, "isn't the point for her to like me?"

    Bella chuckles then mutters, "Mary Magdalene doesn't like anybody"

     "No the point is for her to not question my sexuality."

      He nods in understanding.

        "And if you are willing to help me do this I promise I can get you to pass the math class and will still owe you forever."

       "As long as this is all okay with Bella," he says, glancing over to my girlfriend to make sure this isn't freaking her out.

    "We just got to get through this year and then we are graduated and out of this stupid town," Bella says, "I can put up with this if it means her parents don't try to send her off to some boarding school somewhere."

        "Bella has my number, we can sort out dates for tutoring and when I need to be with your family later?"

     I nod, "sounds great."

         "I'll see you around then," he says smiling before heading out.

      Me and Bella go ahead and order food once he leaves, her a strawberry parfait and me a summer salad.

     "You are okay with all of this right?" I double check.

     She rolls her eyes at me.

     "Babe, I trust you and I trust Ben. You don't even like boys and even if you did, I wouldn't be worried. I wish we could be open with your family but I understand why we can't. I love you and I'm not going to let your crusty ass brother ruin that."

       I smile and kiss her nose, "I love you too. Just under a year and we are out of here."

      "I think I narrowed it down to a few schools," Bella says, "But if I'm being honest Rice University is still probably my top contender. Their bioscience program is unbelievable, and I would be able to get an edge on getting into their PHD programs if I got my undergrad there. And it's only 30 minutes away from the beach which I know was important to you."

      "Being with you is the important thing" I remind her, "but yes I would enjoy being by the beach. They also have a really good art school in Houston if I ever decided to pursue my art further. I researched Houston a little the first time you mentioned wanting to move there."

      "I just don't want to make you feel like you have to move wherever I decide, I want you to be happy too," Bella says.

      "Honestly as long as you pick anywhere but this goddamn town I will be happy. I just want to get far away from my family, somewhere you and I can settle down and be ourselves.  You can pursue your degrees while I pursue my art. It won't always be easy but if it means I get you forever I would do anything," I say.

        "I don't deserve you," Bella says, a little teary eyed.

      "Yes you do sweet girl," I say, kissing the tear that was running down her cheek before pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

    "C'mon, let's go to yours and we can watch some Fixer Upper and complain about Joanna ruining perfectly good brick."

      She smiles and takes my hand as I lead us out of the restaurant, paying the tab before leaving. I really don't know what I did to deserve a girl as great as her but I was willing to do anything to keep her.

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