Chapter 13

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After Carter had beaten another component, I noticed a girl of similar height to me jump up onto the ring. She had a septum piercing with long jet black hair tied up, and was wearing a simple black crop top with leggings.

She looked over to us and began walking across the ring, leaning down to speak to us.

"Y'all are really good fighters." she smirked with a strong southern accent, referring to the boys. "Who taught you all of that?"

"We're self-taught." Ryan bragged obnoxiously.

"Our Dad's taught us." Carter corrected.

"Well, they must be pretty good too. I'm Vanessa." she introduced, shaking Carter's hand, unaware of our parents identities. "You guys will have a real good chance of making it 'round here."

"I guess so." my brother replied. "I'm Carter."

We all introduced ourselves as she looked to be assessing each of us.

"Well, who wants to go up against me in the ring? I have to warn you, I'm pretty new to all of this fighting stuff. I've been throwing knives for a while but my fighting is a li'l rusty." she smiled at the boys.

"I think we were just going to work on some other stuff, but maybe later." Carter replied as the boys nodded, clearly not wanting to fight this girl.

"Okay, well what about you girls?" she said, turning her head toward us.

Hailey shook her head as Leanne debated with herself.

"I'll do it." I said before thinking.

Everyone's heads practically snapped as they all turned towards me with wide eyes.

I could tell that Leanne was going to take her up on the offer but for some reason I wanted to get in on it first. Carter had been making fun of me for the past few days and I suppose I wanted to prove him wrong.

I know I'm nothing like my brother at fighting, and probably never will be, but I've watched enough of his and dad's training sessions and even taken part in my own. Plus, this girl said she was a beginner so what do I have to lose? The only way I'm going to get better is by real what better time than now?

"Hell no you won't." Carter said, grabbing hold of my arm.

"Hell yes, I will." I snapped, yanking my arm away from him and jumping into the ring.

"Oh good, I've been waiting for a partner all day." Vanessa smiled.

I was a lot more nervous than I looked but I was ready to give it my best shot.

"Skylar, get your ass down from there. You are not ready for a fight in the ring, you've barely even been in the gym." Carter demanded through gritted teeth.

"Stop being so protective. This is the best way to practice and if you can do it, then so can I."

"He seems worried, is he your boyfriend or something?" Vanessa laughed.

"Ew no, that's disgusting! I think I was just sick in my mouth." I grimaced. "He's just my very overprotective older brother." I said, saying my final sentence with my head turned towards Carter so he could hear me loud and clear.

"Sky are you sure about this?" Hailey asked nervously.

"Yeah, you could get seriously hurt girl." Leanne added.

"I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Be careful." they both said.

I looked across at Vanessa and took a deep breath.

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