Chapter 20

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We rushed home as quickly as possible, which was easy in Lucas's sports car. We had no idea what was going on, but apparently it was serious and our parents needed to speak to us right away.

When we turned into the driveway, we could see Ivy and India stood together on the doorstep as we jumped out of the car.

"We're here, what's happened?" Lucas asked rushing over to his mother with me closely on his tail.

"You're okay." she whispered, hugging him closely with a hand on the back of his head and her eyes shut tightly.

"Of course we're okay, why wouldn't we be?" he asked as Ivy released him and then hugged me.

"Your Mom's just being a little overdramatic." India said, indicating the word 'little' with her thumb and index finger.

"Oh shush India. If you and Cyrus ever had kids then you'd understand."

"Too bad we're spending our life together travelling and having fun without being tied down by snotty little offence, kids." she said, strutting back into the house.

"None taken?" Both Lucas and I said, looking at each other in confusion at the same time.

We then followed Ivy through to the living room where everyone else was sitting. They were all talking as per usual, barely even noticing that we entered the room until my Mom practically announced it.

"Okay, they're here!" she said, causing everyone to turn their heads towards us.

The boys were all sat on the sofa together with Leanne, Hailey and Nick stood behind them. Blade was stood by the door beside us to greet Ivy and the rest of the parents were just scattered around the room. If the house wasn't so big then we'd barely all fit.

"Where did you guys go?" Carter asked.

"To get milkshakes." I shrugged, earning an eyeroll from my brother..

"Never mind that. They're here now." Mom said, stood beside my Dad at the front of the room.

"So will you tell us what's going on?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, why do we all have to be here? I have plans." Jamie said, staring down at his phone.

"With Hope." Ryan and Carter cooed from beside him, bullying him with slight nudges.

"Yes, and? At least I have a girlfriend." he replied, pushing them back.

"Hey, I have a girlfriend!" Carter said, holding his hands up defensively.

"Yeah but Hope's way better." Jamie replied as if it was obvious.

Carter looked around at us to help him out but just received a bunch of heads nodding in agreement to Jamie.

"He's not wrong." Leanne shrugged.

"Well, I don't want commitment." Ryan said, leaning back with his hands behind his head. "I'm a free spirit."

"No, you just can't convince anyone to stay with you for more than an hour." Lucas said, pushing him up so that he could sit beside him on the sofa.

"Shut up, I don't see any girls lining up to be with you." Ryan snarked at his twin brother.

"That's because I don't need a line. I just need the right girl." Lucas shrugged.

"Ew." Ryan grimaced, faking a gag.

"Alright, that's enough. We don't care if you have girlfriends or not, we brought you here to discuss something important." Dad said loudly, making everyone shut up.

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