Chapter 30

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Lucas's POV

Carter scored the final touchdown and cheers erupted from the crowd.

I spotted my dad alongside Reed cheering the loudest as they always did, and I could see the girls celebrating behind them, along with Daisy.

I hadn't even realised that Daisy had gone to sit with my friends and family and I almost worried about what they could be talking about.

Carter was quickly lifted onto our shoulders as we celebrated our big win, followed by me running off to the sidelines.

I'd spotted Daisy running down the steps of the bleachers as she beckoned me over to her.

I quickly made my way to her as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Well done, you were amazing! I'm so proud of you!" she congratulated.

However, as I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, my eyes happened to land on Sky's. She gave me a smile with subtle words of affirmation and suddenly Daisy's words were just drowning into the noise of the crowd.

I smiled back at Sky before I tore my eyes away from her and focused back on Daisy.

After I'd said goodbye to her, she ran off to meet her friends and I headed to the locker room to clean up.

"Wow dude, looks like you've got your first official girlfriend." Carter laughed as he pushed me softly.

"Yeah dude, what the hell? Why did everyone else get to meet her before me? I'm your twin!" Ryan complained.

"She's not my girlfriend." I stated.

"You might want to tell her that dude." Nick laughed.

"Nick's right. She just met your parents...seems pretty serious to me." Carter replied.

Once Carter had pointed that out, I began thinking about it and he was right.

I was almost envious that Nick's dad had missed the game for work.

I was grateful that Daisy wanted to get to know the people who are important to me, but isn't it a little soon? She isn't even my girlfriend yet and she's already introducing herself to my parents? Isn't that a little strange?

I only invited her to the wedding, I never expected it to get this intense so quickly.

I swear I even mentioned us just going as friends did we get to this point? Now, not only has she introduced herself to my parents, but also my older brother and Hope, as well as Reed, Julia and all of my friends.

Now they're all going to think we're serious.

I'm genuinely starting to like Daisy, but I don't want to take anything too quickly, and knowing my Mom she's never going to shut up about this now.

I made a mental note to talk to Daisy about it before I jumped to any conclusions

I pulled my shirt on over my head and grabbed my bag as I turned to see Carter, Ryan and Nick waiting for me and we all began walking out to the parking lot where we usually meet everyone after a game.

As we began walking over to Carters car, we noticed Jake stood with a couple of guys by the tree where we usually hang out.

He was smirking and laughing before I heard what he was saying.

"Oh yeah, she's easy, you could totally hit that." he laughed to his friend. "Are you really that surprised? Just look at her. Skylar Eastwood is a total slut."

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