A hero

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Izuku midoriya has always had a hard life, his father left before he was born, so his mom, Inko midoriya, had to take care of him by herself, raising him the best she could on her own. But unbeknownst to her, Izuku has been bullied his whole life. The bullying itself wasn't the worst, he could deal with it. It was the reason for the bullying. Izuku's idol, All-might, the number one hero had inspired izuku to become the number one hero one day. However, at the age of four izuku got the heartbreaking news that he was quirkless. He cried for weeks and constantly watched his favourite video of All-might saving civilians from a destroyed building with the hope of a miracle. All he wanted was to save people with a smile on his face, and with tears running down his face, that thought in mind, he had asked his mom one question. "D-do you think I can become a h-hero?" The answer he got was not what he wanted to hear, and was also the reason he didn't tell his mother about any of the problems he had. She pulled him close into a hug and said, " I'm sorry Izuku." Those three words completely broke him.


Kyouka Jirou enjoyed one thing in life; music. It was an escape from everything around her. She had 14 different instruments in her room, and could play each and every one, at least a bit. Her favourite was the guitar, along with the drums. She stuck with music because she loved it, and because she had no friends. Ever since her quirk came in, she had been bullied for how she looked. Her quirk, earphone jack, made her have two earphone jacks hang from the bottom of her ears, which could stretch up to six meters, enhanced her hearing and allowed her to channel her own heartbeat into objects, causing damage and or completely destroying the object. Her jacks were also very strong, being able to stab into concrete and most metals. However, she hated this quirk, because of all the pain it caused her. Everyone at school constantly laughed at her and picked on her because of the jacks coming out of her ears, and her self-confidence was slowly torn apart.


"Damn I hate this quirk. I have to sit in the back of the concert hall and I can't even enjoy the show properly." Jirou said as she walked down the street towards the train station. "I just went to a concert by myself because I have no friends and I can't even enjoy the show from my favourite band because of this stupid quirk!" She burst into tears because of the sad reality. Then she heard a low menacing voice call out to me from an alleyway, " What's wrong baby? You want some help there?" Jirou slowly turned and saw two large shadows coming onto the deserted street, one on either side of her.  "J-just leave me alone!'' She said shakily, tears still on her cheeks. The man to her left took a step towards her, smiling menacingly. "But I thought we could have some fun, after all as good citizens we should take care of women who are walking home alone in the dark." "That ain't no woman, that's a girl, just look at her chest, those aren't big enough to be classified as a woman." Jirou stared at the man, utterly shocked at what he said, but thinking to herself, he is absolutely right. The other man opened his mouth to speak again, but before he could say anything a blur whipped by him, slamming him to the ground with a loud crack.  The other man reached down, grabbing at what jirou thought to be a knife or a gun, but before he could touch it he too was slammed into the ground with a resounding crack. Jirou froze as the blur moved, taking down her to assailants with ease, something she couldn't have hoped to do.
Then a boy a few inches taller than her, with messy hair appeared in front of her. It was too dark to make out any details on his face but the tone of his voice told her he was genuinely concerned as he asked, "A-are you o-ok??" She stood frozen in shock from what had just happened and it wasn't until the boy reached out and put a hand on her shoulder that she jolted back to reality. "Y-yes I'm ok n-now." She replied while taking a step back from him. "T-thank you for t-that, you're amazing." He looked down at her and she could almost feel the heat as he blushed at what she said and after a moment she blushed too, realizing what she had said. "Y-your welcome, what a-are you d-doing out here a-alone at this t-time?" He asked. "Oh, I w-was just h-heading home from a c-concert is all." Jirou replied quickly. "L-let me take you t-the rest of the way so no one else t-tried anything, ok?" He asked, trying to make sure she was indeed ok. "O-ok." He smiled, and even though she couldn't see it she knew he was and she was too. They started walking together towards the train station, being sure to go as far away from the two thugs as possible as they walked off. "M-my name is Izuku midoriya." The boy said. "K-kyouka jirou." She responded quietly. Why is a complete stranger being so nice to me? Jirou thought to herself. "I-It's nice to meet you J-jirou." Midoriya said, looking over at her. "It's nice t-to meet you too, M-midoriya." Jirou said, as they came up to the train station.

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