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Kyouka ran along side Izuku, and together they destroyed villain after villain, which really were only large metal robots. Kyouka jammed her jacks into them and released powerful shockwaves which completely destroyed them, Izuku used the 4 percent of one for all to smash out important circuits, taking the villains out. As they left destruction and scrap metal behind them, they passed many others trying to find villains to destroy to get points before the time ran out. They noticed the area they were in at the beginning, which was basically a city, minus the citizens. Izuku had told Kyouka that they should try minimize damage to buildings, as in real life bystanders would be watching hero's fight villains like always. She was now realizing how truly smart Izuku was. Even though he had been a nervous wreck right before they started the practical, he was now calmly running through the cityscape with her, destroying villains and giving her tips while figuring out more effective ways to take out the villains.

As Izuku and Kyouka rounded a corner and saw two 3-point villains, they heard a voice come over the many speakers in the city. "Five minutes remaining in the practical exams." Giving each other a quick look, the two sprung into action. Kyouka ran right, and Izuku left, the two robots turned to face them and took up a fighting stance, they were over ten feet tall, and completely metal, but the two ran at them nonetheless. Kyouka extended her right jack towards the leg of the robot, causing the lower half of the leg to crumple through the shockwave she sent through it. She then ran and jumped up to it's now lower arm, taking one step off and leaping towards its head despite the attempt to bat her out of the air. She stabbed both jacks into its head on either side and sent violent shocks through it, breaking it into pieces and earning herself the points for its defeat.

At the same time Izuku ran left, towards the other robot, already having activated one for all at 4%. Having watched all-might use his many smashes, Izuku decided to try a more frontal assault. He jumped as high as he could with the amount of his quirk he had, finding it was enough to put him well above the villains head. As he came down on top of it he pulled his right arm back, and swung it forward with all his might and a loud "SMAAAASH!!!" The robots head was completely jammed into its chest, as Izuku had expected from experience with the others, knowing the neck joints were fairly weak. He landed on top of the crumpled robot with a smile, turning to Kyouka. "Nice." They said in unison.

The whole exchange only lasted a few seconds, and in those seconds neither of the two realized the massive zero point villain appearing through the dust and smoke of the battleground behind them. The villain was well over ten stories tall, taller than most of the buildings in the city. It swung one of its giant arms and completely destroyed the tops of three buildings besides it, spraying giant chunks of debris all over the place. One of the prices of rock was flying directly towards Izuku and Kyouka. Izuku was still looking around for other villains and didn't realize the rock hurtling towards them, but Kyouka did. She threw herself at him, tackling him to the side out of the way of the flying rock.

Izuku felt Kyouka's head on his stomach, but couldn't see anything through the dust. He knew he was unharmed, but still hadn't realized what had made the cloud of dust. As it cleared he saw she was unconscious, and to his horror, realized that the giant slab of rock was on top of her legs, mere inches away from his. He slowly got up, being careful of her head on his stomach, laying it gently on the ground as she started to regain consciousness. Her face twisted in pain as she woke up. "D-Don't m-move Kyouka." Izuku said to her shakily. "I-It'll be o-ok." He activated one for all again and with a grunt started to lift the rock. He heard a loud crash and remembered the giant zero point villain, which was about to crush Kyouka. He had no time to lift the rock. Stopping his efforts and letting the rock stay where it, was he stood up and faced the villain. I will protect Kyouka, no matter what! But there's no way I'm able to take this one down with only four percent. I need more but if I use even twenty percent I'll break my bones and it won't be enough. I need to use it all. Izuku activated one hundred percent of one for all in his legs and jumped towards the villains head. "One for all, one hundred percent! SMAAAAAAASHHHH!!" He put every bit of force he could into his arm and swung forward at the metal villains face. He was rewarded with the sickening crack of his bones being shattered, and his legs were hanging limp from the jump. The villains head imploded, and it fell backwards from the force of the punch, landing with a crash, defeated. As Izuku fell towards the ground, he started to panic, knowing there was no way he could catch himself. At least I saved Kyouka. He thought to himself.

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