24 | The Realization of Uncertainty

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There was a storm on Orphano that night.

The waves were thrashing onto the golden beach, thunderclouds roiling overhead. Archer had just made it back from fishing when it started to pick up. He'd been tugging his boat up to the shore when he saw it, that little shape crawling up onto the sand from the water. He'd dropped his rope, sprinted over to help. He'd been beyond shocked to find Farley, coughing up blood, screaming about second chances.

Archer dragged him up to Shark's restaurant, begging everyone to help. They did, sewed him up, gave him food and water as the rain came pouring down outside. Farley didn't stop mumbling until the storm clouds cleared and the sun came up again. When he finally spoke coherently, it was just to Archer.

I have a mission for you.


And the other boys? Shark had asked. The boys Farley left with, the boys he didn't come back with, one of which was Farley's long-time best friend, the one he never left the side of.

Farley had shaken his head. Gone before the Avourienne found us, he'd said.


The Avourienne requires you to kill someone you love.

Archer had dropped to the sand, refused to kill Jeanne. He'd been so heartbroken and shell-shocked that he didn't think to ask that one, essential question. It didn't even come to mind at the time.

How did you get on the crew, then, Farley?

He killed his best friend, that's how. Then he lied about it.


The two of them didn't have any problems—actually, they were pretty close, until we went to the Kingsland, Lyra said. Farley and Silta, no problems. Close friends, even. Until they went to the Kingsland. Then he tried to kill her.

Just went batshit in the middle of the night.

But why? And more importantly, why leave it out of his story afterwards?


And remember, Archer. The end goal is to bring the Avourienne right to the Kingsland.


Bring the Avourienne.

It was never going to the Kingsland in the first place—Farley knew that, because they'd vowed to never go back there ever again. It wasn't about getting to the Kingsland.

It was about bringing Silta there.


I can only form conclusions based on what you know. I know why you're on this ship. You have to tell me why you think you're on this ship.

Her dissonance, the last piece of her puzzle.

My parents.


So it wasn't some incredible scheme, the world against him.

It was just Farley.

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