Tsuna's nightmare

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------------six years later--------------

A seven year old brunette could be seen tossing and turning in his bed. He was sweating and his breath was uneven. Looking at his pained expression one could guess that he was having a terrible nightmare. This brunette was none other than Sawada Tsunayoshi.

In his dream he was being strapped onto a metal table sorounded by doctors with tools and syringes in their hands. Their faces were blurry. They injected lots and lots of fluids in his body. At first it was painful but after the process repeated over and over he was numb to the pain.

He was then thrown into a cell with a bunch of kids who was the  same age as him. Other kids were placed into the cells nearby. Some were dead from the experiments while some were near death.

He curled up and slept his pain away despite the kids in his cell kept asking him if he was alright. He was in so much pain, both physically and emotionally. When he was put through the final experiment many months later he screamed until his voice became as low as a whisper.

Tsuna bolted up from his bed wide awake and crying silently. He had dreamed about that again. He was hugged by a pair of cold but warm arms.
“ Tsuna, it's just a memory of that time. We are here to keep you safe ok?” the owner of the arms soothingly said.

After calming down he smiled at the person or in this case ghost and said,“ Thanks Giotto-ni.”
“ Anytime Tsuna.”, the blonde male ghost answered. Tsuna got up from his bed and went to the bathroom to have a shower because it was 3am and he had school in a few hours.

Tsuna came out of the bathroom drying his hair and walked to his desk where he logged onto his laptop. He ignored the seven male ghosts walking, fighting, or sleeping in his room. These seven  ghosts are Vongola's founder and his guardians.

They were Vongola's primo and six respective guardians. Giotto de Vongola, Gokudera G., Alaude, Ugetsu Asari, Daemon Spade, and Lampo. 

Giotto was Tsuna's ancestor and he and his guardians met Tsunayoshi a few weeks ago. They met Tsuna after he went missing after two years and he just recently returned from the devil's lair a few weeks ago. Ever since he returned his home, family, and even he himself as never been the same.

Tsuna finished logging on to his laptop:

{Welcome online Cielo27!}

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