Cielo27 is out and about

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———seven years later————

A small teen dressed in a suit with orange tie and black shiny shoes appeared using a portal of night flames. He was in a black cloak and his hood covered his entire head. Underneath the hood he was wearing an orange mascaraed mask that covered his entire face except his eyes and mouth. His eyes glowed a vibrant orange and his pale lips were red. To say that he was just handsome was an understatement.

He raised a hand to his ear that was covered with a pair of black gloves. He pressed his transmitter in his ear and reported, “ I handled the mafistos and I left the scene before the Vindice arrived. The Clover famiglia is no more after this. Do you have any other missions for me Scarlet101?”

“ No Cielo27 go home and get some rest. You have school tomorrow.”, Scarlet101 stated.
“ I am bored. I want to stay out a little longer, because I have nothing else to do.” Cielo27 whined like a little kid.

“ Tsuna, go home before your mom or twin notices that you are not in the house.”, the person on the other end of the transmitter warned.  “ Shoichi,give me a break, it's past midnight. I might has well have fun because in a few hours my life will be a living hell with my brother and bullies.”, Cielo27 complained.

Shoichi sighted before replying, “    Tsuna, you are the number one hacker and second greatest hitman in the world (author/ he does no kill he only beat up the bad guys). You can break fire walls and beat the bad guys, but when it comes to your personal life it's the only mission you find impossible. If you want all the bullying and abuse from your brother to stop you just need to tell them the truth, where you really were those two years.”

“ Good night Scarlet101, thanks for the advice.”, Cielo27 said removing his hand from the ear piece. Far away a teen with red hair and glasses sat around his computer. He ruffled his hair groaned,“ He thanked me for the advice, but he is not going to do it. What a stubborn Tsuna.”

Back to Cielo27  he was now in Namimori jumping from roof to room as silent as a Ninja. When he was on top of his own roof he looked up at the bright moon in the sky and whispered to himself, “ I don't want to tell them the truth. Ignorance is bliss. whatever makes Kasan and Kitsu-nii happy I don't care if it hurts me or kill me, as long as they are happy, I owe it to them for being away for two years.”

He walked onto the tree branch  next to his window and went straight into his room.
“ I am back.”, Tsuna announced softly as he undressed.
“ Welcome back Tsuna!”, Giotto and the others greeted him glad that he was home.

Giotto tackled Tsuna and hugged him as if he was holding a teddy bear. It was because he was so cute, with his pale skin, big brown eyes, soft red lips and a head full of brown fluffy untamable hair. He was also small for a fourteen year old.

“ Giotto-nii san, I can't breathe. ”, Tsuna choked out. G came to his rescue. “ Stupid boss let him go or else you will kill him.”, G shouted. That seems to have worked, the next second Giotto was in a corner growing mushroom clouds and sulking, “ I wanted to hug my cute little Tsuna a little longer.”
The others sweatdropped at his childishness.

“ I am going to take a bath first before going online.”, Tsuna murmured. When he came back out he was not surprised to see half his room destroyed from the ghosts fighting. The only two that were excluded was Giotto who was on Tsuna's bed and Lampo who was sleeping in his closet.

He sat down and logged onto his computer seeing that Cielo27 was online two persons messaged him at the same time.
{ Dino: Hey Cielo welcome back I have a request I need a file for the Varia. $45,000,000}

{WGHM: Cielo27 I want some information about someone. $80,000,000}

{Cielo27: Hi Dino, hello Reborn. What is the name of the file you wanted Dino?}

Dino sent the name of the file and within two minutes Cielo retrieved it and sent it to Dino.

{ Dino: Thanks Cielo-kun. The money is transferred to your account.}

{ Cielo27: Reborn what is the name of the person?}

{ WGHM: The Sawada twins living in Japan. I am going to Japan in a few days  to tutor the eldest because he was chosen to be the next boss of Vongola after Nono.}

{ Dino: Ehhh!! I thought Xanxus was the heir😲.}

{ WGHM: Dame-Dino Xanxus was adopted by Nono. You forgot that, it looks like you need more of my tor- tutoring baka student of mine😈.}  

{ Dino:😱 Nonono Reborn you spartan tutorer, your training was hell.}

{ Cielo27: Here is the information you requested.

Sawada Kitsunayoshi (older twin) lives in Namimori Japan with his mother and smaller twin. Age 14. Athletic, good grades in school, and popular. He attends Namimori Middle. Sky flames confirmed. Hyper Intuition non existent.

Sawada Tsunayoshi ( younger twin) lives in Namimori Japan with his mother and older twin. Age 14. Dame, poor grades in school, and popular only with bullies and he is mute.He attends Namimori Middle. Flames none existent. Hyper Intuition confirmed.}

{ WGHM: Great job Cielo. The money is already in your account. You live in Japan also maybe I will see you there. You too Dame Dino you are coming with me I want you to become an Italian teacher at the School so my new student can learn the language. Ciao~}

WGHM is offline.
{ Dino: Bye Cielo Kun see you in Japan👋}
Dino is offline. Cielo27 is offline.

“ With that Arcobaleno here teaching your brother it will be a problem If he finds out your identity as the number one hacker and the missing Sky arcobaleno.”, Giotto cautioned.

“ Stop treating him like a little kid Giotto. I am sure Tsuna will becareful. Won't you Tsuna?”, G asked. “ Yeah G-nii is right, Giotto-nii. Besides the chain around my pacifier prevent it from being discovered by the other Arcobalenos.”, Tsuna took out an orange pacifier on a special silver chain and fed it with his sky flames.

Despite being a curse object that shortens it's bearer life it was very warm and comfortable to him. This object came to him in his dreams five years ago. It's master died in an accident and someone was after it. That was what the man in an iron hat told him in his dreams. The former bearer was a woman name Luce. His Hyper Intuition told him that what the man told him was the truth.

After putting the Pacifier back in it's hiding place he looked at the time. It was 2am so he went to bed because he had to get up 5am to go to school early.
“ Good night every one.”, he yawned and went to sleep.
“ Good night Tsuna.”, all the ghosts replied. Giotto also slept with Tsuna.

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