1 ~ The Elevator

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Denki is afraid of many things, even though he hates to admit it. Being so afraid of things a hero shouldn't be afraid of is embarrassing. However, Denki's biggest fear and his biggest shame is his fear of elevators. It's such a silly thing to be afraid of. Elevators. Heroes shouldn't be afraid of elevators. Heroes shouldn't feel their hearts speed up the moment they step onto one. Heroes shouldn't avoid using elevators at all costs. Denki hates that he does.

It's not his fault that he's so afraid. It's not his fault that he almost died in one once.

He was in a freak accident when he was a child that left him with nightmares that didn't go away for years and a fear of elevators that still remained. It's been quite some time since he last had a panic attack on one, but he still felt the lingering sensations whenever he thought about stepping foot on one. He pushes through it when he has to, but it isn't pleasant in the slightest. For the most part, his only motivation to push himself despite his fear is to not inconvenience those with him. That's the only reason he got on the elevator with his friends the day Mina invited them to a pop-up café in town.

She had read about it online and really wanted to go, but thought it wouldn't be fun to go alone. Despite the fact that most of her friends weren't really interested in the café's alien theme, they went along anyway so she would be happy. Even Denki.

She seemed so excited when she had asked if he would go as well. How could he say no to her? He knew the café was on the rooftop, but she was so happy to go with her friends. He couldn't refuse. Eiji was also going, so that should help. If his boyfriend was going to be there too, he knew he would feel safer. And the building couldn't be that tall, right? It's not like they were going to the heart of Tokyo. They were staying in their city. It would be fine.

When the weekend of their planned outing arrived, Denki kept repeating those reassurances in his head. He should be fine. It had been so long since he had a panic attack in an elevator. It would be fine.

Unfortunately for Denki, the building was, in fact, that tall. It was the tallest building on the street. Just his luck. He felt dizzy just looking at it.

"Oh, that's... That's tall." Denki's voice was timid as he stared up at the building that loomed over them.

"I guess so," Mina said, unphased by the building's height, "If we take the elevator, we'll be at the top in no time. It won't feel tall at all if you stay away from the windows."


"Yeah, that's why you're nervous right? I just assumed you're afraid of heights."

"Heights..." Denki finally looked away from the top of the building and directed his gaze to Mina instead, "We're going all the way to the top floor? All the way up?"

"Uh-huh! It'll be fine. We'll keep you away from any windows." Mina gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, meant to be a sweet reassurance, before grabbing Hanta with one hand and Kyoka with the other, "Come on! You too, Bakugou. Stop being such a grumpy butt."

"I don't even want to be here! You damn extras tricked me!" That was very true. Mina and Hanta thought it would be entertaining to mess with him.

Hanta just laughed, "Well, you're here so you might as well try to enjoy yourself. You do know how to have fun, don't you? Or are you a ball of fury at all times?"

"I bet he falls asleep with that scowl on his face," Kyoka joined in on the teasing, "Instead of counting sheep, he counts the number of people who piss him off."

"Of course I can have fun, idiots!" Katsuki pushed past them into and into the building, "I'll have more fun than any of you!"

Mina laughed, "It works every time."

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