~Prologue Part 3~

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It was the day of her family's funeral. Leilani's been nervous for this day, she was going to say goodbye to her family. Laura did her hair and Leilani put on a black dress with black flats and put on her locket.

It was going to be a small funeral with only her, the Hales, and Deaton in attendance

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It was going to be a small funeral with only her, the Hales, and Deaton in attendance. That's all she wanted at the funeral.

They were going to take two cars to the funeral. One with Talia, Laura, and Cora. In the other was Peter, Derek, and Leilani.

They made it to the cemetery and got out of the cars. Leilani took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Derek held her hand, trying to comfort his mate in any way he can.

"I'll be right here with you" he told her sincerely.

She looked at him and gave him a small smile before they walked to her parents and her brother's graves.

They sat down in the chairs and listened to the priest talk before they said their final goodbyes to the Santiago family.

Leilani was the last to go up. Derek watched and listened to his mate say goodbye to her family and it broke his heart.

She kneeled down in front of her father's grave. "I'm gonna miss you Papa. I'm gonna miss us dancing en la cocina. I'm gonna miss hiding behind you when we meet people. I'm gonna be brave like you. Te amo mucho, Papa" she said as tears fell. She waved her hand and red roses were on his grave.

Next, she kneeled in front of her mother's grave. "I'm gonna miss you Mami. I'm gonna miss you teaching me magic in the attic. I'm gonna miss you calling me your florecita. I haven't taken off my locket and I never will. I promise to be kind like you always were and I won't break your promise. Te amo mucho, Mami" she said then waved her hand and roses were laid on her grave.

Derek had tears in his eyes, watching his mate breakdown and cry over her fallen family. Leilani kneeled down in front of her brother's grave now.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Teo. I'm gonna miss you playing fútbol conmigo. I'm gonna miss your hugs. I promise I won't forget you, hermano. You'll always be with me, Teo. I promise I'll be strong like you. Te amo mucho, hermano" she cried and laid roses on his grave then hugged his gravestone and cried.

It was official. Her family was gone and she couldn't bring them back. Derek walked up to her and held her, letting her cry on him.

The other Hales sadly watched the girl who lost her parents and brother in one night. They also knew she wouldn't remember them after this. They knew how hard it was for Derek, that his mate was going to forget him.

But his mother promised that he'd see her again and she'd remember him again.


It was a couple days after the funeral, Talia had taken away her memories yesterday. Deaton was driving Leilani to a house where he knew she would be safe and would be able to have a family again.

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