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You were woken up by a loud bang.


Y/n "WHAT THE FUCK!?" you say while you fly up from the bed. You can hear shouting coming from the other room. You can make out two voice's but you didn't know the third voice though.

Dean "Wtf?! Again with the grand entrance Cas!?"

?? "I didn't mean to do it."

Who were they talking too? Who was this Cas? So with that you got up and walked over to where the yelling was at.

~You walk into the room~

Y/n "WTF!? What is going on? Why are you all yelling at each other? And who is that?" You point to Cas "And why did I wake up to a loud Bang!?"

Dean "Will first off, this is Cas. He is Sam's and I's Angel thing, and he was the cause for the bang and I'm sorry it woke you up Y/n."

Y/n "It's ok, but what was that bang?"

Dean "It was lightning. That's Cas's way to say "Hey guys, I'm here" so yeah."

Y/n " Oh ok." you said with a little smile "Well I am going to get something to eat." as you walk to the kitchen.

Cas "Who's that?" points to you as you walk way.

Dean "That's Y/n, Sam and I's friend from our childhood."

Cas "oh ok."

~In The Kitchen~

Y/n "Oh, hey Sammy."

Sam "Hey Y/n, I'm guessing that you woke up because of the bang, right?"

Y/n "Yeah."

Sam "Well, finish eating and get dressed. We go hunting in a hour."

Y/n "Ok."

~after Eating and Getting dressed~

Y/n "Ok, I am ready to go." You said with a smile on your face, as you look at Sam and Dean.

Dean "Ok, Lets go then."

All of you get into the Impala and the hunt begins.

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