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(A/n: I am not the greatest at making stuff like so yeah pls bear with me :p.)
/on to the charter UwU/

We are hunting a goddamm shadow demon!I hate these things, and it's didn't help that I am hiding from it. And Dean and Sam are trying to cush it.

~little time skip~
"Dean!" I screamed as I ran for my life from the demon

"Y/n!" He Yelled back.
I am running in the forst and shotting at the same time.

♧Dean pov♧

I am running though the forst, looking for Y/n! The Shadow Demon is really
dangerous. I am really hoping that they are ok.
I've been running for 4 minutes now and stert to hear heavy breathing, behind a tree. I walk round the tree and see Y/N!? They have a blood on them!?

"Omg!Y/n, are you ok!?" I said as a bind down.

"D-dean, it hurts..please make it stop."you said and tears run down your face.

"Y/n, it's going to be okay. I am going to get you out of here." I said and started to pick you up from the ground.

"What about the demon?"you ask and I can hear the pain in your voice... it broke my heart to hear you so much pain.

"Me and Sammy, killed it. So Don worry." I said and smiled at them.
They nodded and laded their head on my chest. I smiled at them.

♡Your pov♡
I was so happy when Dean finded me. He take me to the car and put me in the back seat. Sam in the car in the front seat. Dean got in and started the car up. And started to drive. Dean and Sam started to talk about some thing and I fall to sleep with a smile on my face

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