Mother Nature's Agony

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Oh, if only the earth knew the excruciating pain

I hold within. The portion I let out before,

Was nothing compare to the massive

One I currently carry inside.

This heavy suffering I must release, but cannot.

I’ve been commanded by my creator not to just yet.

Submissive, I had asked my creator,

“My king, how long should I bare this rumble within me?”

He answered, “Soon, dear Mother-nature.

When my son descends from the clouds of heaven to

Collect my righteous souls.”

Oh, if only the earth knew the excruciating

Pain I hold within!

Earth! Why do you not take heed?

Can you not hear my screams?

I am hurting.

Have you not seen my migraines that

Swirled from your oceans to you lands?

Have you not felt the stomach aches

Quivering your grounds?

Have you not heard my groans?

Earth! Awake from your everyday slumbers

And take heed, for the innocent blood is

Soon to return for his people.

Where are the righteous?!

Where are those whom fear the light?

Why do you ignore his voice?

Where are the faithful’s?

Yet, you earth have the audacity to complain,

“ Why God? Why have you allowed this happen to us?”

But why do you, Earth, forsaken my creator.

Why do you reject his yoke, and push

Away the hands that only want to carry your burden.

Earthly souls, why are you deaf to my screams

And blind to the sighs of the coming Savior.

Yet, your eyes and ears are open

To worldly corruptions.

For what! Pleasure? Pleasure that will never

Quench your thirst, like the thirst for

The lamb’s living waters.

Abandon, your wicked, selfish, ways and take up your cross,

For the prince of peace is coming!

The hour is near!

I’ve warn you, Earth. This will not be the first time

I’ve received this pain, for I have released it before.

I still dwell on that reflection clearly.

My creator commanded me long ago with grief in his heart,

“Mother nature! Open your mouth and release your agony

Upon this wicked world!”

Without hesitation, I vomit the great floods

After crying for forty days and forty nights.

The floods washed every, single living body.

Though, only eight warm bodies withstood my floods.

Humble was he, named Noah and his family.

Enough! Be deaf no more to my cries.

Cease from being naïve to my signs, Earth!

The cramps of tribulations are in my abdomen

Are soon to burst!

With one word, just one from my king, I will

Once again open my mouth, but instead of

Water I will vomit fire!

I say unto you Earth, where are the humble?

If only earth… gave ears, but many

Are deceived by false lies.

Sadly, the ones that choose to be deaf to my cries,

Know, but ignorance clogs their ears.

If only they love our creator like they love their ways.

They hear, but do not listen.

Poetic Faith (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now