IV: Realisation

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Hoseok placed his gaze back to the lady on his side.

"I heard that you are really good at performing arts. How do you manage both sides alongwith studies."

Hoseok chuckled,"Well how do you cope up with your hobbies? Being good in studies doesn't mean that you won't have any other desires."

I threw out a pout,"I hardly have any hobby as such. When I was young, I remember taking part in a school event for a dance performance but that was the very end of it all. I never wore my ballet shoes after that. I lost it."

"Nothing gets lost. There's a ray of hope in everything. You just need to keep the flame alight in your heart's locker and put a damn strong determination as its password."

I giggled at his words. His shrewd words were enough to light up somebody all over again by throwing away the older miseries.

Days passed with ease and obviously Hoseok's clever talks. He never backed off from rekindling someone's heart. That's what made me respect and adore him all the more. I wished time to fly this great until a day arrived that left me insane with a guilty conscience.

As usual. I went to the college on my regular basis. Stepping into the classroom, my visions landed on the four close mates watching some video clips. I approached them and joined in to see the same but what I saw was both intriguing and disheartening.

Snatching the device away, I held it before my eyes. It was a video of the same guy whom I met at the Sinchon street that day, one of the street dancers! I recalled the we moves, the flawless steps that his feet represented on the pavement.

It was J-Hope! I cocked my brows and my forehead frowned up as I gaped at the screen.

I parted my lips to speak,"Why are you guys streaming this video? Do you know him by any chance?"

Aren waved her palm over my face. She felt my crown and bit her edges,"You seem to be normal though."

I shove her hand away,"Of course I'm fine. I'm talking about this guy in the clip."

"That's what's striking me hard. Can't you recognise him? He's Hoseok!" Aren hit back.

I couldn't think of anything else at that very moment otherthan just dropping my jaw and gasp,"Seriously? It's-it's Hoseok!!?"

What a fool I must have been for not figuring him out then and there. I thought while cursing my idiotic brain. "Where's he now?"

"He's in the chemistry lab. He wanted to have a talk with the teacher about-"

I immediately rushed out without a second thought. I should apologise to him for my rude behaviour that day. I must. I engraved this in my core that I'll definitely do something in return as compensation once I meet him.

Reaching the laboratory, I peeped in through the glass door. There was Hoseok, having a chat with the teacher inside who was genuinely absorbing every points in his brain's notebook atleast he seemed to be so. I patiently waited for him to come out.

Almost after 10 minutes of continuous glances at my wrist watch, Hoseok ultimately strolled out and paused on seeing me. I clenched my fists to gain all the courage to speak which I was not able to capture at the first place. Yet his shiny beam filled me with a new photon of energy.

"Hoseok can we have a talk if you don't mind? You're a streetdancer?"

He blinked at my face unable to find out the reason behind my sudden question.

"So you see I was not in a mood for any type of trouble that day. That's why I ended up shouting at you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me if I hurt you anyways," I apologized with my face down.

It seemed like he was the reckless situation that raged me that day. He had a talented mind afterall besides an angelic beauty in the heart.

"It's okay. So you've been talking to me without knowing that I am J-Hope, the streetdancer. Am I right?"

"Hmm," I hummed pursing my lips.

"I see. That's the reason why you readily spoke to me on your introductory day in the college. I found it a bit weird though," he twitched his chin, gazing in front.

"I said sorry Hoseok. Please don't make me remorse of it again," I mumbled.

Hoseok smiled at me,"No it's okay and I guess I said that too. You don't need to be so ashamed. It's all just a matter of coincidence. It happens."

He's so kind. Oh sweet god thank you so much for bringing him into my life. I prayed in the silence.

"Hoseok let's meet during the dispersal. I've something for you."

He agreed to see me at the exit. So as promised, we patched up in the dispersal time and left out together.

I twirled back the keys to stop before a dine in. Stepping outside the car, Hoseok halted while looking up at the restaurant in front of his orbs. The hoarding lights glittered in his shiny crystal brown iris and I caught upto him.

"Come let's go," I exposed, grabbing his arm and making him compete with my rhythm.

The inner atmosphere was fantastic. Crystals hung down the huge chandeliers. The clanking of dishes and spoons with the chilled notes of the population talking about their interests, so much like a five-star outlet. The air smelled like a mixed fragrance of all those tasty recipes that the chefs come up with at the tables.

We perched on a four seater pedestal table, letting my shoulders get some rest after the hectic experiences in college. Hoseok glanced around with a blank expression.

"What's on your menu Hoseok?" I raised, cracking my knuckles in the most easy way.

"Umm I like Kimchi. But it sounds expensive," Hoseok said while scrolling through the menu card.

"Just tell me whatever you want to have. It's my treat."

Hoseok shooted his diligent eyes at me,"No why will you do that? I'll also pay on my side."

"No means no. Listen don't get me on my nerves. Just do as I tell you," I spat, straightening my spinal cord.

He heaved a sigh and looked back at the pages,"Just Kimchi. I don't need anything else. I'm already full."

"How can you be full without a crunch of food in your stomach? I saw you having nothing during the recess otherthan just an energy drink," I uttered softly, placing my chin on my palm.

Hoseok's sockets widened at my collection of knowledge on him. Probably he never thought of me witnessing him to that extent. But I didn't mind since it was a better option for him.

"You can't choose? Fine I'll help you," I forwarded my hand for the card. I had a mere glance at it prior to calling up one of the waiters,"Hello I am ready to order."

An attendant arrived at an instant, taking a pocket notebook out of his apron's pouch. His pen scribbled some marks and he left to get them handy.

I threw myself on the soft cushioned back and glared at the one in my opposite. He was constantly chewing his gums while his mind was brooding over some stuffs.

"Hoseok do you still feel uncomfortable when I am around?"

Next part up!!!! See ya soon

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