II: Who is he?

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Next day....

I woke up,got ready to leave for the very first day at Seoul National University. So yes I was definitely nervous but mom cheered me up before leading me outside. I trotted to my Bentley while dangling the keys in between my fingers and finally drove out.

On arriving at the parking lodge infront of the entrance to the campus, I stepped out by locking up my car. I quickly hovered through the gate across the huge green lawn. I patiently walked past the group until my feet stepped onto the marbled floor of the economics department.

Though I didn't show any sign of it but I was actually observing the population at the corridor who were staring at me with much concerned looks. I could see some of them making some sorts of comments on me but who cares? Atleast I don't. I don't give a damn. People will talk but why should I be bothered 'bout that?

Anyways ultimately I found out my section. I stopped before the door to section 'G', took a deep breath in and exhaled sharply. Then I made my way through the glazed door and spotted an empty seat at the second row. So I acquired it at once not even bothered to check the one sitting beside. No sooner did I take my seat than I noticed two eyes scanning me from top to bottom.

Feeling a little weird, I immediately turned my face to the side to find a guy in grey hoodie and glasses, smiling at me intensely. I felt him to be wacky, really wacko.

He asked me, "Anneyong, what's your name?"

"I'm Haneul. Park Haneul. And mind to tell me yours too?"

"Chen. Lee Chen," exposed the guy fixing his specs.

I nodded my skull lightly for the sign of approval as he instantly spoke,"Can we be friends? Only if you don't mind."

I thought that it wasn't that good idea to become friends with an unknown guy on the very first go but it also wasn't that bad as well. Afterall I'm going to need the help of someone to tackle this alien base. So I gave in.

"Yes of course. Why would I deny?"

Chen glistened his brightest beam at me after the assent of his request. We shook hands in order to keep a mark check over it.

"So where do you stay? And why did you get your section changed?" quizzed Chen while cocking his brows.

"Uh well I'm completely new to this university or more precisely this city infact. We've shifted here just a week back and I was a little too busy for settling the household and my room. So I couldn't join until today."

Chen shook his head up and down for me to understand that he got it all. However we got indulged into a chat, quite a long one. I got to know him better and thought to myself that he was trustworthy.

Soon I saw three girls coming in our direction. I thought that they were going at the back somewhere for their respective seats but their feet glued right beside our desk.

The girls treated Chen as if he was some boyfriend material. I know Chen was handsome but the scent of innocence that laid on his face made me believe that he was pure from heart and hadn't been in any relationship before. But the quirky behaviour of the three girls forced me to change my mind. May be he wasn't actually that trustworthy.

"How are you Jiwoo? Sorry I couldn't see you last eve for I got busy with my own stuffs." expressed Chen giving her a sad impression.

Jiwoo commented,"It's okay Chen. That's not a big deal. By the way who is she?" she said while throwing her eye balls at me.

Chen smiled before introducing me to them,"She's Haneul. My new chingu out here. She's absolutely unknown to this city."

"Oh is it? Well then. I'm Jiwoo. Nice to meet you gurl. And this is Lara and Aren," exposed Jiwoo, giving me a cute snigger.

I smiled back and showed my kind gesture towards them. Thus our friendship took a ready start.

We sat together in the class and exchanged our details.

A little later, while gossiping, Lara exposed a name, Hoseok. I was curious to know about this Hoseok. I don't have any ready explanations for this. So I ended up asking Lara more regarding this.

I came to know that he's the top student from our batch in the whole college. His scores are always at the very highest peak and it was quite difficult for the others to defeat him. I was inquisitive to see who this Hoseok actually was and do I need to mention that I was impressed? He was good in academics, sports, art and also dance. Yeah I don't know how many of the above mentioned qualities are present in me.

Whatever but I want to meet this man. I was still busy collecting informations about Hoseok from them until Lara shrieked out while pointing to a boy who just entered the room.

"Look that's Hoseok!" told Lara and I unanimously charged my vision at his tall and sturdy figure.

He looked quite familiar. I think I saw him somewhere. But where??


So here's the next part. I'm sorry for keeping you awaited for long. I was a little busy and I also have to study right? But yes I'm trying my little best to upload as fast as I can. So stay safe. Stay gold. I love you INFINITE! I purple you my dear angels!! See ya soon.^^💜

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