VII: Preperations

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"I did what?"

"You managed to protect yourself. That's a sign of good rescue," Hoseok said as he started removing the gloves from his hands. He forwarded them in my direcion. "Wear these."

I accepted them and scrutinized it. Hoseok came up after a few seconds. My palms looked as thick as buns in those gloves. I kind of felt as if I was a professional boxer.

"Come on Hanuel. Hit this with all the power you have in your triceps. Throw your anger on this," he said holding out a makiwara in front.

I kneaded the two gloves together before slamming them into the board. I hit it harder and harder with every cheer from his side, "Keep pushing. You're doin' great!"

The whole room filled up with Hoseok's hoarse cries and the noise of punches deliberately from the board. I gained some confidence as a few minutes passed by.

While bumping the gloves for the final move, I slipped to match the surface and tossed in. Hoseok caught me by the waist and we looked into each other's eyes. His iris shone, all the sounds came to a halt. I was dangling in his arms and he was the one supporting me.

A minute later, he quaffed, "Ahem, let's go for the next one. Come on." I stood upright and nodded, my eyes seemed to stop responding since they were still bulged out.

"Today was fun. Isn't it?" I aired while looking on my side.

"Hmm," Hoseok answered, his fingers pulling the stay tab of the juice can, "Being with you is pretty fun."

We were sitting at the gallery of the tennis court. There were two or three people in the basketball enclosure but the place where we rested was absolutely vacant.

"You're really good at sports. I got to learn so much from you today. You must be fatigued though."

"It's okay. All long as you're happy I'm okay with it," he spoke, sipping his can.

As long as you are happy.....did he just say that?

Two days surpassed. Hoseok was having a random talk with his friend, Lay. Suddenly Mark gushed into the room.

"Hoseok!" Mark huffed to catch his breaths, "You know there's going to be an inter school dance competition for both solo and group artists. I saw the flyers just now at the notice board."

"Really? When is it?" Hoseok asked, folding his arms on his torso.

"We have a whole month to go. But the only problem is that we need a girl for the final level and we don't have one. First two rounds are in our list but the third one is a romantic couple dance," Mark heaved a sigh.

Lay was listening to their conversation till the moment Mark finished, then he smacked, "We can manage that. We have Hanuel with us."

"Hanuel? But will she agree?" Mark confirmed, cocking his brows.

"Yes of course. I think we should leave that to Hoseok and since she is the girl with whom Hoseok has been ever comfortable with, I guess he won't face any problems for the dance as well," Lay assured, "Mark and I will go to fill the forms. Till then you go and ask for her help."

Hoseok nodded and the rest two walked out of the class. He let out a sigh. I wonder if she would like to participate. He thought.

He sauntered out at the campus to spot me talking to my friends. Inhaling deeply, he advanced to us.

"Hanuel can we have a talk? Just for five minutes. Please excuse us," he said, pulling me by the arm. He took me to a little distance and asked, "Can you dance?"

"What?" I breathed.

After Hoseok finished his explanations, I said, "Oh so it's all for a competition? I would be happy to help but I don't know how to dance. I lost all my dance skills a year after its birth."

"That's not a big deal. I'll teach you. Just say if you agree or not," he waited for me to reply.

I nodded with a smiling cheek, "Mmm yes I am in."

Next day, I ambled out of the physics laboratory and found Hoseok standing while leaning his back onto a wall. His face lit up on seeing me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along, "Come I have something to show you."

"Hold on I-" I was not even able to seek his attention for a while. He furiously glided across the fields to the curriculum building. Crossing the grass, the corridors and the staircases, we finally emerged into a big space. Hoseok shut back the door with a little thud.

One side of the four walls was covered with a huge mirror. A music system acquired some space at a table nearby a wall. The furnished wooden floor glistened like a newly polished glass. White walls reflected the light rays even more, brightening the entire room. Some speakers were attached on the corner peaks. Sliding windows were hidden beneath blinds.

I awed at the view, "Woah what is this place?"

"This is the dance room. We're going to practice over here everyday after college ends," Hoseok explained, slipping his bagpack down in a chair.

I held my bag's arm and twirled once to observe the whole area a bit more nicely. It made me pretty much excited to be able to replenish my dance skills again.

Hoseok pulled off his jacket and turned to see me. Finding me so overwhelmed,he stood at the same spot, smiling constantly. He was somewhere in his own world. I wasn't sure if it was because of my cute conduct or my profuse senses. But whatever it was, it made me happy too.

However, he came out of his ethereal visions and said, "Today we will do some warm up exercises to loosen your joints. You'll need it to avoid getting joint pains. Since you left dancing long back, what's your favourite song?"

I struck my orbs as he spoke, "My favourite? Ah well I don't have any as such cuz I love sk many but I choose Delicate by Taylor Swift."

"Mmm okhay," he uttered while connecting the hotspot. The music box streamed the melody that floated go me. Hoseok joined me beside, "Follow me."

I nodded and tried to copy his moves, the way he flipped, jerked and twirled, I copied them all. We were totally enjoying ourselves until he emitted, "Can you do the lift move?"

"Lift? Uh I never tried that yet," I bit my lips as shyness pecked my soul.

Hoseok proposed, "That's the main beauty of a duet performance. Fine I'll teach you that first."

He rotated my body to face him. His hands moved to my waist and he pulled me up in his arms. The vessels of his biceps thrilled out as he hailed, "Now throw your arms and fly like a swan!"

Here's the next part!!! Uwu gonna be a bit romantic ahead XD

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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