Chapter 3 | "I love you... a lot actually"

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During The Next Week | Nobody's Point Of View

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During The Next Week | Nobody's Point Of View

During the next week of Chenji's This and That fans have noticed that the two started distancing off from each other and argued during the videos. Fans were worried and annoyed, not understanding their situation.

Chenle would often criticize Jisung for looking at him all the time and Jisung would always give back attitude and saying how rude he was which led to many fights which had fans speculating even more when it got closer to the end of the week which is when their fights reached peak and went to the point of swearing and other bad stuff.

They didn't even talk to each other anymore. They just sat there, played with their fingers and did the work they were supposed to do for the show. Although both members loved each other the awkwardness and suspense always brought them to face one another and couldn't confess the feelings because of insecurities.

Meanwhile, the other couple that consists of Doyoung, Jaehyun and Taeyong were doing well. The omega snuggled in between the two alphas. Even though the omega doesn't think he's cute, the alphas think he's cute and their whole world. They all loved each other dearly.

The way they looked at each other was even noticeable and they couldn't help themselves on camera as well with little movements which made fans question them. The three didn't care though. Their love was powerful and nobody could stop them. Nobody bullies or hurts Taeyong for being an omega as the other alphas were scared what would happen if they did.

The Next Day | Nobody's Point Of View

Chenji were scheduled to do a VLive for their show today, a special that rarely happens. Although the two tried to refuse the live, staff members didn't know what happened and just made them do it. Little did Jisung know, Chenle was going to do something he didn't want to do... hopefully it had a good outcome. Oh boy was this going to be a long journey... Or was it?

The two young ones started the live and as soon as the fans came in there were many greetings before the actual live started. Chenle and Jisung were still awkward so they just looked at their phones and read the comments. Most of the comments said "what's going on between you guys?" "Care to explain what is happening?" "Are you guys okay?"

Chenle and Jisung just looked at each other before Chenle looked away and put his head slightly down before starting to say to Jisung, "Listen... I know you're my mate... and I just wanted to apologise f-for my behaviour towards you," the older, emotional, omega said to the younger as comments started rolling in, "but I wanted to say... I love you... a lot actually... I just thought you wouldn't like me."

"I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship but I still want to be friends with you if you give me another chance..." Chenle kept going, hiding his face at this point. Comments kept rolling in, some were hate and others were just supportive of the (maybe?) couple.

Chenle was shocked when he received a kiss on his forehead and lots of awhhs or ewws in the comments. "Chenle, I'm really sorry as well. I didn't want to break our friendship or lose you because you're too precious to lose. I love you... a lot... and I just want to say thanks... you're really brave." Jisung finished with a smile while looking into Chenle's beautiful purple eyes. They were about to kiss when Jisung's phone started ringing.

... | Taeyong's Point Of View

I was watching Chenle and Jisung's live and saw everything I called them before anything escalated. Who knows they could've had sex on camera. I understood they were mates and they were allowed to be together but they weren't supposed to tell their fans anything until something happens and they have to explain themselves.

This was to protect their face (reputation) and stop them from getting hate for those people who don't support. I told Jisung when he picked up to end the live and they needed to talk. A few seconds later, Jisung and Chenle hung up and wrapped up the film, leaving fans amused, shocked and sad that they had to go. I called the two as soon as their live ended and they picked up, "hel-"

"What and why did you do that? Who know if you could've had sex on camera and then our reputation will be ruined, we'll lose fans, you'll get kicked out and you could get hate. I'm not against this but couldn't you have done this off cameras."

"Sorry hyung," the two youngers mumbled into the phone. Luckily the phone wasn't on speaker...

Taeyong sighed before saying, "It's okay... just be careful next time alright?" He couldn't be mad at the two maknaes.

"Alright, hyungieee," the two said chirpier now.

... | Nobody's Point Of View

During pre-debut days most of NCT found out about their mates. Lucas and Jungwoo were a loving couple who found that they were mates during high school. The two loved each other dearly and nothing could get in the way of their relationship. Lucas would love Jungwoo no matter what but little does Lucas know that Jungwoo is keeping a secret from him... Will Lucas still except the older?

Earlier That Day | Jungwoo's Point Of View

When I woke up that day I rubbed his eyes but suddenly a wave of nausea ran over me, interrupting my beauty wake-up time. The dinner must've been bad last night, I thought. Although Jaehyun shares a room with me, I'm glad he was sleeping in Taeyong's room. What would he do if he saw the mess in the bathroom?

I decided to skip breakfast as I was already running late to dance practise. Our time table was very stressful and every day, every hour I would spend practising. I didn't want to fall behind. Then SM would kick me out of the group and I didn't want that. This was my dream. I couldn't go back to the orphanage. Even when I felt exhausted and wanted to faint I powered on.

... | Chenle's Point Of View

When I woke up that morning I realised what happened last night and all the memories rushed back to me. How I confessed to Jisung. How we kissed on camera. How Taeyong had to talk to us. It was all so embarrassing. When I looked through Instagram this morning there were all sorts of hateful messages which made me tear up.

Jesus why was I being so emotional today? "Ew, Chenle is such a bitch" "Jisung is mine." "Chenle just wants attention" the messages said. I ignored all the supportive and nice comments and only focused on the negative, bad ones. It made me annoyed and scared. I didn't want Jisung to leave me for one of the fans. It sounded selfish but I was his mate and I love him so much. I can't let him go.


hihi! this is Chapter 3 to Love Game! i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

i'm posting early because i just wanted to for you guys hehe :))

thank you so much for 300+ reads already! it really means a lot to me...

that's it! see you in 3 days~


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