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JEREMYyou two had a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant

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you two had a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant. the two of you spent all night eating, talking, and laughing; simply just having a great time getting to know each other better. he even ordered your favorite dessert for the two of you to share, which you thought was so sweet. after dinner he drove you home and even walked you to your door like a gentleman.

he took you to a concert for a band that both of you really liked. all night long you guys screamed and danced along to all the songs, and jaden was surprised to see your "inner rockstar", as he put it. after the show you went out for something to eat and talked about the concert and music in general. afterwards he took you home and gave you a kiss before you headed inside.

he just invited you over to his house to hang out, it was a simple date yet you guys had a lot of fun. first he taught you how to play video games, which you were surprisingly good at. after video games you headed to the kitchen to make cookies but ended up having a huge flour fight instead. it was a huge mess, but being together made even cleaning up fun.

you guys went to this really nice ice cream shop that recently opened. chase was an absolute sweetheart, he opened the doors and even pulled your chair out for you. he ordered a huge sundae for the two of you to share, topped with all of your favorite candies. since you were eating ice cream and it was cool in the shop you started to get cold, so chase moved next to you and put his arm around you to warm you up.

you invited him over to your house since both of you rarely went out. you were in the kitchen getting some drinks and snacks for you both while noen was still in your room, preparing a surprise he had for you. you came back a few minutes later to see that he had made a blanket fort, decorated with colorful fairy lights. you spent the rest of the night in the fort watching movies, eating, and cuddling.

he took you to a carnival since you both were thrill seekers. all night long you two went on rides and ate a lot of food, laughing the entire time. troy also played one of those carnival games to win a stuffed animal you thought was cute, and after many tries he finally won it, and the excited look on your face made him feel so proud.

you two went to an ice rink since kevin once mentioned that he wanted to try ice skating. he asked you to teach him since you've had some experience, but you weren't that great either. you two would keep falling so you decided to start catching each other and to hold hands while skating. when you two got off the ice to rest, he stopped at the snack bar to buy hot chocolate for both of you.

neither one of you planned anything in specific, so payton decided to pick you up and drive around until you found something that looked fun. he blasted some music as you drove around, you both singing along loudly and dancing. eventually he drove downtown, where you two went shopping, got some food, and ran around singing loudly again and laughing.

he took you to the movies at the mall where you two first met. he bought a large popcorn and a bunch of candy for you two to share, and even got you an icee in your favorite flavor. during the previews, you guys threw popcorn in the air and tried catching it in your mouth, laughing at all the failed attempts. you two settled down when the movie started, and josh would often hold your hand, making you smile.

he took you stargazing at a nearby park. you two laid on the grass, listening to music and cuddling. you would point out the constellations to him, while kio would take photos with his camera, mostly of you two and of the moon. suddenly your song came on his playlist, you both immediately looked at each other and smiled before kio pulled you in for a kiss.

you went to the beach together since it was a beautiful day. the date started off calm, you two sat by the ocean and talked. but soon the two of you were running around the beach, splashing each other with water until you both got tired. the rest of the afternoon was spent making sandcastles and watching the waves.

he set you up a cute picnic date in a garden. he packed all of your favorite foods, drinks, and sweets; and even decorated the blanket with your favorite flowers. he had made all the food himself, and you were surprised by how great of a cook he is. at one point he started adding the flowers into your hair, giving you a sweet compliment before kissing you on the forehead.

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