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JEREMY— you two are in the same science class— the teacher paired you up for a project— you two got along perfectly and had lots of fun working on the project together— after class he asked if he can have your number for "project purposes"

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— you two are in the same science class
— the teacher paired you up for a project
— you two got along perfectly and had lots of
fun working on the project together
— after class he asked if he can have your number for "project purposes"

— you went to a concert with your friend
— she had to leave right after the show
— jaden saw you standing outside by yourself
so he walked over to you and started a conversation
— the two of you talked for hours about the
concert and music in general

— you met him at the lights out tour and he
thought you were really pretty
— he asked you for your number after you
talked and took pictures with him
— later that night you got a text that said
"hey it's me anthony"
— you guys texted each other all night long

— you were at a party at the hype house
dancing with avani and tony
— chase saw you dancing and thought that
you were a really good dancer
— later you were in the kitchen getting a drink when chase approached you
— he told you how great of a dancer you were
and asked if you wanted to dance with him;
you said yes

— you were walking out of the salon after
dyeing your hair lavender gray
— noen happened to be walking out of the
salon the same time as you were
— you and noen noticed that you both had
dyed your hair the exact same color
— he smiled and told you, "i like your hair" which made you laugh and say "i like yours too"

— both of you were at the skate park
— you didn't see him in front of you so you bumped into him and fell down
— you apologized and he helped you back up, asking if you were okay
— you spent the rest of the evening skating, and he even taught you how to do a kickflip

— you were trying to look for a specific boba tea shop but had trouble finding it
— kevin happened to walk by so you stopped
him and asked if he knew where it was
— he said yes and offered to walk you there
— you spent all afternoon at the shop drinking boba and just getting to know each other

— you just moved to a new school
— you decided to sit in the back of the room since you didn't know anybody
— payton walked in and noticed you sitting in the back by yourself
— he sat right next to you and introduced himself

— you both are good friends with bryce
— you met up with bryce at the mall one night and josh was there
— bryce introduced you guys to each other
— you and josh got along so well and ended up interacting more with each other than with bryce, who started feeling like the third wheel

— you were on his for you page
— he thought you were cute so he followed your tiktok and instagram
— he decided to shoot his shot and sent you a dm on instagram
— you guys talked almost every day and finally met in person after two months

— he and ryland were sitting behind you and your friend at the movies
— they were being really loud and annoying but you and your friend actually thought they were hilarious
— griffin caught you laughing at one of his remarks and said you had a cute laugh
— he and ryland then moved up to sit with you and your friend; and the four of you all watched the movie together

— your parents invited his family over to your house for dinner
— you both were pretty shy so you didn't talk to each other at first
— at dinner however, you sat right next to him and began making small talk
— towards the end of the night, you two were talking and laughing nonstop

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