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JEREMYhe went out to get donuts for the two of you, which was common, but today he was taking longer than usual

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he went out to get donuts for the two of you, which was common, but today he was taking longer than usual. the donut shop wasn't too far from your house so he'd normally be back after about five minutes. you looked at your watch and noticed he had been gone for almost ten minutes now. you wondered where he could be. suddenly jeremy came through the door with the box of donuts.
"hey y/n, sorry it look long. i asked to make the donuts a little special and they took a while," he said, handing the box to you.
"special?" you asked. "did you decorate them?"
"yeah, kind of. look."
you opened the box and saw that each donut had a letter written in icing on them.
be my girlfriend? it said.
"oh my god, yes!" you exclaimed.

you and jaden were hanging out downtown one evening, having a great time together. you were in the middle of telling a funny story when you noticed jaden was suddenly quiet, which was weird since he seemed to be having fun earlier.
"you alright jay?" you asked.
"yeah i'm fine," he replied. "i've just got something on my mind."
"what's wrong?"
"uhm. nothing."
"jaden. something's bothering you and i want to help. but i can't unless you tell me."
"okay, here goes i guess. i-it's just-uh- doyouwannagooutwithme."
he turned away as he said the last part, lowering his voice as he did so. but somehow you managed to catch all of that.
"i'd love to," you said.
jaden looked up in surprise.
"come again?"
"i said i'd love to!" you exclaimed and jaden pulled you in for a hug, the both of you smiling like fools.

anthony tried asking you out a few times and you always turned him down, but he didn't let that stop him from trying. one day you were hanging out with dixie and kio when you heard someone coming up behind you. you turned around to see anthony with his "i'm going to ask you out again" face. you smiled and rolled your eyes.
"uh oh," kio joked, nudging your arm.
"come on kio, let's give them some privacy," said dixie, giving you a wink before she and kio walked away.
"hello y/n," anthony greeted, "would you-"
"yeah ant, i'd love to go on a date with you. how about friday night? you interrupted in a sarcastic manner.
"oh?" anthony replied, raising an eyebrow. "i was gonna ask if you would give kio his sunglasses back, but yeah let's hang out friday night."
"those aren't even kio's," you said, looking at the sunglasses anthony was holding.
anthony gave you a smirk before walking away, and you headed back over to dixie and kio, who exchanged glances when they saw the smile on your face. they didn't even have to ask you what just happened, for it was pretty easy to figure it out.

it was raining, but chase liked rainy days because he had backup plans- staying inside and binge watching movies. you, chase, and nick were in the living room watching a movie, the boys sitting on the floor and you lying on the couch. after a while nick started getting hungry, so he left to get food. as soon as nick was gone, chase moved to the couch, sitting right next to you. he gave you a big smile and you could immediately tell he was happy about something.
"what is it chase?" you asked.
"well, it's just...i'm in love," he just let the words fall right out of his mouth.
"with who?"
"this girl..."
you felt a little hurt. you liked chase a lot, but he seemed really happy and that was really all you wanted for him.
"that's cool," was all you could say. "what's her name?"
"her name is y/n."
your eyes got wide.
"y/n? me?"
"yes you," he smiled. "so, would you be my girlfriend?"
you smiled and hugged him.
"of course i will."

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