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It's been about a month and i have gotten into the swing of things. I'm still the outcast but thats nothing new I always have been, so it really didn't bother me. I had grown closer with Grant and he had become my one and only friend. We are sitting outside while we eat our dinner. 

"you know we have known each other for about a month now and we know almost nothing about each other." Grant said suddenly 

"true. well we know the basics your 18 I'm 19, your a major dork and I'm the smart one." i joke. 

"hey you are just a dorky as me!" he playfully punches my arm, "but for real, and if I'm stepping out of line call me out, but you seem to keep up a shield, and you don't talk about your past."

I had been planing to tell him about my past soon since i can't talk to anybody else. i sigh it's now or never.

"I grew up in dysfunctional family. My mama was a drunk; my dad was angry at the world and took it out on us kids. i had a little brother and two older sisters. my dad had found God around the time i turned 11, so he wasn't as angry. life was getting better i was happy for the first time in years, until my eldest sister was diagnosed with cancer. She fought for a year and a half but still lost her battle. After that mama drank herself to death and dad was left alone to take care of a kid going off to collage a 12 year old and a spastic 6 year old, all by himself." I glance over a Grant, he was looking at me waiting for me to continue. 

"One summer i was at band camp, it was the last dat were the parents come and see the consert the kids put on, but my siblings and dad never made it. a simi-truck had a blowout, lost control and crushed the car like a tin can between the concret barrier and its front. I stood there for hours after the consert was over but they never came. social services put me into a foster home with abusive parents, they beat me, starved me and one time my foster dad tried to rape me but i keep a knife in my pillow case so i stabbed him in the balls. I tought myself how to fight and here we are today." i look over at Grant and there are tears in his eyes now. Grant pulls me into a bear hug and bury his face in my neck.

"How did i find a best friend so strong?" Grant's muffled voice said. 

"You didn't. you found someone who can kick ass." i joke trying to lighten the mood. 

He chuckles "for real though you have got to be the strongest person i know, most people would have gone crazy or killed them selves." 

"maybe i knew that God would lead me to the best person he put on this planet." Grant just laughed and we talked about the random shit we usually talk about. 

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