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A/N Hi ! I just wanted to say that there is going to be a time jump this chapter!


Dear Fleur,

I've been enjoying my time at Hogwarts. I miss you all so much. It's been almost 3 years since I've seen you. I miss my best friend!

Over the years, I've made so many friends as I've told you in my letters, but plenty of boys have admitted they fancied me, and I've denied them all. I can't put my finger on why. It just doesn't feel right.

I can't remember the last time I owled you. I remember it was sometime during last school year when Harry Potter had a run in with Sirius Black. He's okay by the way. Sirius Black is actually innocent, we found out.

Sorry I didn't owl you over the summer. I was having too much fun! I spent it with the Petersons and then the last two weeks with the Weasleys, who I am currently with. The twins have a brother, his name is Bill. I think you two would get along. I'll have to introduce you at some point.

Ever since I was petrified, I sometimes wake up during the night with nightmares, But I'm handling them well. George, Fred and I play quittich a lot in our spare time. We've won most of our real games. Mcgonagall said I should be premoted to captain this year, but then said it would have to wait until next year. I'm not sure why though. I'm excited for this year, Molly (the twins mum) said that something special was happening this year. Although I'm not sure what.

How are things at Beauxbatons? Well I'm assuming? Hows Gabrielle? I could sure use some of her delicious cookies!

Even though Fred, George and I have given Harry the map, we already memorized everything so me and George will sneak out to Hogsmeade sometimes and go to Zonkos. It's a favorite of his.

Please come visit soon!

xoxo, Addilyn.

"Who might you be writing to?" A cheerful voice asked from behind her.

Addilyn had gotten up early and wasn't expecting anyone to be up, so she jumped when she heard the voice.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. You creaked the stairs coming down and it woke me up. Everyone else is still asleep though." Ginny said.

"Sorry Gin, I didn't mean to wake you." Addilyn said.

"It's alright, I wanted to make breakfast so mum wouldn't have to anyways." Ginny said with a smile.

Ginny walked over and started preparing breakfast.

"Need any help?" Addilyn asked.

"No I think I'm okay. Thanks tho, Lyn." Ginny replied.

"Anytime. I'll be on the couch if you need me." Addilyn said.

"Can I us-"

"Yes. Errol is in the window, you can use him for your letter." Ginny said.

Addilyn smiled.

"Thanks Gin." Addilyn replied as she walked out.

"Hey bud, how are you?" Addilyn asked the owl as she handed him a treat.

She tied her letter to his leg.

"Fleur Delacour" Addilyn told the bird.

The bird flew off and Addilyn sat against the window sill watching it fly.

She smiled and looked around outside.

"Wanna go to Diagon Alley?" a voice said behind her.

Addilyn turned around and was met with a tall ginger.

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