Injured part 3

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Michael's P.O.V

"Mr Adam?I've got your breakfast here-Oh my eyes!"I pull away from Merula.Madam Promfey standing infront of us with a tray of food.She closed her eyes as it landed on us,snogging.

I scoffed and felt heat burn on my cheek.Merula already distance herself from me and now sitting on the chair.Her face look innocent eventhough if you look a little closer,its obvious she is hiding her blush.

"Finish your breakfast and you may leave this afternoon"Madam Promfey said after a long awkward silence.She put the tray on the table at my right before left.But then she make a sudden stop.

She turn around and stare at me and merula.

"Be careful next time,that is second time I caught you two"She said with a firm voice before leaving.

I let out a deep sigh and turn my gaze to Merula.She look relief too.

"Its your fault"She muttered while rolling her eyes.

"A kiss need two person Merula,so you are involved too"I smirk.

"But you lean in first!"

"But you kiss me back"I snap her again with a teaseful smirk on my lips.She blush hard but still fire me back.

"It won't happened if you didn't kiss me first!"She said again.

"So you won't kiss me?"I said,putting a dissappointed face.

"Yes!"She said smiling proudly as she thought she is true.But then her facial expression change to a guilty one after a moment.It took all my might to not laugh.

"That's not what I said"She said shaking her head,her brow knitted and her face shown guilty.

"But that's what you mean"I turn around from her and lay on the bed.I pull the blanket to cover all of my body including my head.Smile performed on my lips.

Then I felt her hand on my shoulder,forcing me to turn around back.I froze my body as I can until she give up.But her hand still there,resting on my shoulder.

She didn't say anything but I knew she probably panic right now,didn't know what she should do.She never know how to persuade someone,this might teach her some lessons.

*Evil laugh

A silence took us for a while.She didn't say anything,only her finger playing around my shoulder.She even tried to tickling me on my neck,but that won't let me give up too.I hold my laugh as much as I can and stay silent.

Then I heard her let out a deep sigh.

"Michael.."She finally speak.I didn't ready so when she pull me to face her,I didn't got time to resist.Ended up I'm looking at her right now,but I put a annoyed face.

Her facial expression still guilty,she even scoffed to keep steady.She pull her hand from my shoulder and put it on my hand.She twirning it with mine and hold it tight.I didn't respond or said anything,but inside I'm enjoying this.Every touch from her is enjoyable,it took all my might to not just kiss her kissable small lips.

She then turn her gaze to my green eyes,her purple one staring mine for a long time.I stare at her too,drowning to her cute eyes.Without my realisation,she lean in and leave one fast peck on my lips.I shockened by the sudden movement,my eyes widen.

Her cheeck turn to a bright red before she give another peck on my right cheek and another one on the left side.

I didn't move cause its happening fast and I can't process it.I hold her hands tighter before smirking.She blush harder but gave me a thin small smile.

"What was that?"I ask,putting a casual expression on my face.She rub her back of neck.

"Prove"She said in almost a whisper.I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"For what?"

"proving that I'm also gonna kiss you first of course,you just make me sounded like a complete arse back then"She rolled her eyes.

I finally let out my laugh.I pull her into a hug with one of my hand and pat her back.She rested her chin on my shoulder.I smile.

"I'm just kidding,Merula.It just you are too cute to not be teased"I said knowing she might smack my back for calling her cute again.

But surprisingly she just giggled,showing her cute side more.

"Thought you hate the word?"I smirk.

"I don't hate it.It just"She stopped talking and I'm curious why.I pull from the hug and find her eyes is watering,waiting to be broken into a cry.

"Hey,what's wrong?"My voice soften as I wipe away the tears that rolling on her cheek.She gave me a small smile.

"It just...huh"She sigh before taking a deep breath.I hold her face with my hand,encouraging her.She nodded and smile.

"My mum used to call me that before,I felt so sentimental cause it reminds me of her"She finish and smile,try to be strong.

I pull her headnear to me and kiss her forehead.She close her eyes and relax her body.I play with her messy hair and pat her head.

"I'm sorry for always be the one who open your wound back Merula"I said with guilty.Its always be me who discover her deep secret about her family,when she should have to be strong for it.I should be the one who keep her guard,but I ended up broke her apart.

"No need to be sorry,Michael.I'm happy to have someone who I can rely to.And I'm happier it is you"She said,breaking my worry.I smile in relief.

"Thank you for trusting me Merula,I'll never gonna let you down"She smile and nodded.

"Thank you for always be with me too"I reply her smile and pull her closer.She rested her head on her favourite place,my chest.My arms wrapped around her,and she cuddled close to me.

"You know,I'll just stop calling you cute"I said while playing with her hair.

"Why,am I not your cutie anymore?"She chuckled.

"No..of course that isn't the reason.You will always be my cutie Merula.It just I don't want you to be hurt"I said in guilty.

"Who said I'm hurt?I'm the most powerful witch at Hogwarts"She said proudly.

I rolled my eyes to her.

"Right"I mumbled in sarcasticly.She just giggle.

"Its fine Michael,I know you feel bad for me,but you don't have to."She paused and kiss my chest.Her smile didn't faded and rested her head back.

"Just be with me when I'm facing my childhood problems,I don't need anything else"She finish with a smile.

"I'll always be Merula,trust me"

"I trust you"She said before closing her eyes.I did the same too.

"And I kinda like it when you call me cute,Michael"I chuckled at this.

"Of course you will-"I smirk but cut by her.

"But if.."She said sudden in a firm threathening voice.

"You call other girl cute..I'm going to kill you"She finish with a smirk.

I raise my brows and laugh.

"Is this the jealous side of Merula Snyde?"I tease her.

"Well,the most powerful witch won't give up on something that she owns"She said in a casual face.

"Am I yours?"

"Of course"She smile proudly.

"Then what is you to me?"I smirk.

Her cheek turn red,probably shy.

"I am whatever you want me to be"

"Then be mine"I said in a smirk.

She nodded shyly before closing her eyes once again.

"Fully yours"She smile.

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