m a l f o y m a n o r

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m a l f o y  m a n o r



His hands were cold like ice and his grey eyes had a spark in them that I could never forget, as his veiny hands creep up my thighs I immediately feel his cold rings press up against my skin. "Are you ready?" Draco smirked, I nodded as I craved for his touch or just to feel him inside me. He lifted up my top leaving me in just my bra and skirt. He slid down my skirt along with my panties and threw them on the floor it was finally happening the moment I dreamt about.

He pulled down his grey sweatpants leaving him in his boxers and I could already see his bulge, it took awhile for me to process his length "do you like the view?" he sneered, I smirked  "I can't see it properly" with me saying that he slid down his boxers and pulled me down onto the bed on my back while he was standing in between my thighs. This is when my heart started to beat fast and it only kept going faster. He started rubbing circles around my clit and I moaned his name in pleasure "Drac-" "I know darling", he then slid a finger into to me without any warning and I screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure. He pulled his finger out and sucked on a bit of his finger to make sure I could taste myself too.


I slipped down my boxers and left her starring at my dick, she was beautiful and the most perfect person I know I watched her as she gulped at my large size. Slowly I started rubbing my tip against her clit and she whimpered. Slowly I slip the tip of my dick inside of her and she moaned out my name which turned me on even more. I let her get used used to my size my by sliding in more of me each time I thrusted into her. Eventually she took on all of me and I had to use the silencing charm on my room. I thrusted into her faster and faster until "Draco i'm gonna cu-" "not until I say you can", I could see that she was struggling to keep it in so I thrusted into her one more time and them we both came at the same time.


"Ugh that was so good" I panted "I know" those were the only words that could escape his mouth because we were both breathing so heavily. He pulled me under the covers and eventually we fell asleep to the heavy rain outside his window, But before I fell asleep the last words I heard were ...

"I love you y/n"


Sooo that was the first chapter, make sure to look out for updates and comment on what I should do next :) 


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