s n a p e s c l a s s

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s n a p e s    c l a s s 

"Class is dismissed remember to read up to page 394". 

I rolled my eyes and got out of the classroom as soon as I could, that was until I felt him grab my arm.

I could smell his minty scent and his expensive cologne.

It was him. Draco Lucius Malfoy,

"Your not going anywhere" he smirked and his grey eyes met mine.

"Make me" I gave him an innocent smile and tried walking of but he only pulled me back faster, It was now only the two of us in the classroom.

"You will do what I tell you to do and that is to stay here".

"I'm not your toy malfoy, you can't control me!".

"Y/n.. Call me Draco",

That was when his lips met mine and he pulled me in closer, he stopped for a second and looked at me asking for permission. I nodded, I wanted more of him and I needed it now. 

He lifted me up and carried me to the the nearest table not wanting to break this moment, I ripped off his shirt and stared at his torso for a little while until I realised that I was staring for to long

"You good there Y/n?",

"What umm.. yeah". I blushed and I couldn't help it. It was just me and him and no one could break this moment.

He continused kissing me and it got a little rougher, he then pulled up my shirt revealing my bra he looked at me for a second but I decided not to say anything.

He then began planting little kisses from my jawline all the way down to my breasts.

I pulled down his pants leaving him in only his boxers realising his length.

I pulled down his boxers while he pulled down my pants and my panties, I closed my legs a little in embarrassment.

"There's no need to be embarrassed Y/n, Your beautiful".

He then started planting little kisses on the inside of my thighs and I moaned out his name which really turned him on.

He pulled down his boxers and looked at me again to make sure I was still okay with this, I nodded and I swear I saw him smile a little.

He then lined himself up with me and slip his tip in and I moaned 


"Shh Y/n we don't want anyone to hear us now do we". He covered my mouth with his hand while he thrusted more of himself into me and I didn't want this moment to end I enjoyed the pleasure to much.

"Uhh fuck Draco i'm gonna-"

"me to Y/n"

He then reached his climax and came into me and I have to admit it was definitely a different kind of feeling.

We put our clothes back on still panting and looking at each other 

"Lucky no one saw us huh"

"yeah, right"

We walked out of the classroom and we were late for our next class but I didn't mind that was definitely worth it, Maybe i'll even see him in detention for being late.

"I'll see you around Y/n" he smiled and then walked away leaving me astonished outside the classroom wondering what this could mean for us.


Okkk guys so that was the next chapter I hope you liked it sorry for the long wait! :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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