To Go Down in Flames

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5~ to go down in flames

"It appears, I'm not exactly welcome here."

The velvety depths of the voice rang in my ears.

He turned and a soft gasp left my lips as I took in the sight before me. His dual eyes gazed down at me, a wicked grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He ran a single finger down my cheek before tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Interesting. You had different coloured hair the last time we met."

I didn't dare miss a beat.

"Forget my hair," I seethed. "You had a different title altogether when we last met."

Dave placed his hands on his hips. "You two know each other?"

"Very well." The Duke replied, running a hand over the sharp edge of his jaw.

"You must have a name." I gave a sarcastic laugh. "I mean come on, there can't be all lies to you, can there?"

His smirk disappeared. "As far as I was aware, you already knew the Duke," he said lowly. "You claimed we were acquaintances of mutual friends." He stepped closer with every sentence, his height towering over mine.

I took an automatic step back, my breath hitching in my throat at his proximity. I forced the shiver rolling down my spine away, meeting the Duke's glare with my own.

Dave's interruption broke me out of my trance. "Let me get this straight," he looked too and fro between the two of us, confusion scrawled over his expressions. "You already know Jaxon?"

The Duke turned towards Dave, his glare as sharp as an eagle's.

"Pardon me, Your Grace," Dave's gaze dropped and I almost chuckled at the absurdity.

I didn't have nearly the amount of patience or manners Dave had.

Clicking my tongue, I turned back towards the man who I'd last seen in his bed. "So you do have a name. Wasn't so hard now, was it?" His jaw clenched as I continued. "It's up to you. Would you rather I call you Your Grace," I listed on my fingers, "Jaxon or the bastard I—"

"I'd rather you keep those lips shut, for now, love," he tilted my chin up, smoothing his thumb over my bottom lip.

Dave cleared his throat. Once. Twice—his cheeks gleaming in bright red.

I snapped my eyes away from the Duke's darkening gaze, folding my arms over my chest.

"You're telling me I have to stick with him?"

His single touch had sent me spiralling back to the day I broke all my rules. I couldn't spend any more time with him—a constant reminder of when I'd let my guard slip.

I let my guard slip and had sex with a Duke. A bloody Duke.

"I apologise on Sphinx's behalf, Your Grace." Dave glared at me. "She can be quite blunt."

"There's no need," the Duke said, the hard muscles in his jaw ticking, "I'm already familiar with her bluntness."

Colour flushed up my neck and my fists tightened by my side. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from shooting a remark back.

Dave rose his eyebrows at me in annoyance. "We don't have a choice and you know it. The only other option you have is to return empty-handed. It's your call."

I couldn't afford to return empty-handed. There was a murderer on the loose and I wouldn't back out just because of some—some Duke.

I took in a sharp breath. "Fine."

Dave gave a victorious smile. "Good night, then." He stretched his arms up in a yawn and then straightened his back as soon he came face to face with the stone-hard stare of the Duke, "Good night to y-you too, Your Grace."

The Duke gave a taught nod, the dense click of the door falling shut resting heavily in the room. I realised he was too close—and it was too hot.

I bolted away from him, perching onto the edge of my bed, "Alright, I'll make this quick—"



"You haven't told me your name."

I sighed. "Sphinx. Now—"

He strode closer. "Sphinx is what they call you in the industry. I want your real one."

I stood up. "I'll tell you what, if you listen to me quietly, I'll think about it."

He scoffed, dropping down onto my bed. His arms sprawled out behind him as if my bed was a throne and he was the righted. The sight of him on the mattress sent a wayward scroll of images through my mind and I looked away.

"It's your choice. I've gotten things out of you before; I'll get them out again," he catechised.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You mean you've gotten sex out of me?" He cocked his head to the side as I spoke, "What makes you think that I'd make that mistake again?"

He pulled me harshly into him, my body flush against his as I landed in a heap on the bed, "This does," he said, his voice lowering. "I just want your name, love."

"I'm sorry," I breathed. "No can do."

He flipped us over, the heady scent of his cologne invading my senses. His lips rested dangerously close to mine, moving over them in a whisper. "Name," he demanded.

"No," I answered, my voice beginning to waver beneath the need amassing between my legs.

His eyes darkened threateningly.

I eyed the conformation of my stay at the hotel on the bedside table. "O-okay. My name's Julie. Julie Williams."

"Julie," he repeated to himself, the name rolling off the tip of his tongue.

I leapt off the hard heat of his frame, keeping my eyes on anything but him. "As long as things go to plan, your safety will not be compromised. I'm sure Dave has already discussed the details with your security team and a-any arrangements that are needed would have already been put into place." I swallowed. "In any case, should things go wrong, you are to leave the premises immediately."

He sat up. "Noted. Is there anyone I need to look out for or keep my distance from?"

"There's a murderer roaming the place but otherwise, you should be fine."

Not an inch of fear or surprise came over his expressions; he lay there relaxed, his rippling muscles obvious under the pristine of his collared-shirt.

"Anything else?"

"No," he said, standing up. "That should be all, Miss Julie."

"Sphinx," I corrected.

A wolfish grin curved through his sinful lips. "Whatever you prefer."


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