Barks and Bites

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1~ barks and bites

I smoothed my hand over the white cloth of the table, boredom nagging away at my mind as I listened to the relentless conversations of the men sitting either side of me.

I smiled politely at them, wishing my seat would swallow me whole. I hummed and hummed and hummed at everything they said, speaking at the right moments to keep them going.

And, Lord, did they keep going.

Politics, business deals, investments. Money, money more money. I sat there, hands folded in my lap, the satin glove brushing below my elbows.

"A dance, my lady?"

I grabbed the man's hand before I had a chance to glance at his face. I ached to get away from the table I'd been seated at.

His hold on my hand was what made me look up; the touch itself radiated power and yet there was a gentleness to it. A striking pair of eyes gazed down at me, my lips parting at the sight.

My mind whirred; I took in his clothing, eyeing the satin of his tuxedo and the jewels embedded into the watch on his wrist.

I had to watch my words. His money would talk faster than I could run if things went wrong.

I opened my mouth to speak only to rethink my question. "I'm sure a lot of people ask you about your eyes." I watched as a corner of his lips turned up. "I'll spare you."

I whispered the last words, his grip on my waist hushing me.

The striking blue of one eye was a direct contrast to the warm brown of the other; the intensity of one was almost blinding - the other had pools of golden so deep I had to snap myself out of a daze.

He raised his eyebrows. "Well, that's a first."

I laughed softly, shooting a glance at the table I'd left behind. "I appreciate the offer for a dance."

My laugh was forced and I caught a look sweep through his eyes. My wariness probably shone through my skin. False identity, name, invitation and a lethal motive made you do things like that.

Still, the cautiousness in my veins shocked me – it wasn't my first project.

But something about him put me on edge.

"I did it for myself," a guilty look cast over his face, "I had to get away from someone."

"If it makes you feel any better, I was also trying to get away from someone. More like an entire table." I added.

I'd grabbed his hand for a dance without thinking, excepting a quick distraction. A mundane and boring distraction. His eyes were a surprise, and the longer I gazed up at him, the more things stood out to me.

Clad in wealth from head to toe and yet his jet black, thick wisps of hair were ruffled, his stubble obvious and his top buttons undone.

Just like the blatant difference in his eyes, nothing about his demeanour fit in. The hard heat of his chest grew closer to mine, his hands guiding mine to his shoulders. I stepped through the waltz, following his effortless movements.

In reality, I'd spent months learning the ways of the upper society. Countless waltzes and dance partners later, I still feared stepping on his toes.

He spun me around, tugging me back into him. My feet seemed to brush across the floor as he drew me up against his front, the woody haze of his cologne encompassing me.

We moved in time to the music in a polite manner, the way people generally danced at these gatherings.

The hold over my waist didn't feel so formal.

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