The Price of A Kiss

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12~the price of a kiss

Suddenly, he yanked on my grip, pulling me flush against him.

"Trust me. I really can't."

Dave cleared his throat. I snapped my gaze off the Duke.

I hopelessly failed to take my hand out of his; it was like a trap—the tighter I pulled, the tighter his fingers wove around mine.

Finally, I gave in to the heat of his skin around mine. "When is the press conference?"

No matter how much I tried to concentrate on what Dave was saying, I couldn't pay attention. I was too aware of the Duke's eyes on me.

"The press conference is," Dave shot a glance at his watch, "in four hours."

That snapped me out of my daze. "What? Four hours?"

He sighed guiltily. "You don't have long before the media starts prying around—it's easier if you address them first." Dave handed us a thick file each, turning to leave. "That is everything you need to go over, and I recommend you guys do some rehearsals."

"Wait," I blurted, unable to fathom the idea of having to be alone in Jaxon's company. The last time that happened, I ended up in his lap. "Where are you going?"

Jaxon let out a chuckle, the depth echoing in my ears. "Don't fret, love. I don't bite."

"I do," I snapped.

A grin tugged at his lips, his grip loosening around my hand enough for him to trace his thumb around my wrist. He knew what he was doing—and I couldn't wait to smack that smugness off him.

Dave looked between us before shaking his head to himself. "I'm under strict instructions to spend minimal time around you two." Dave's professionalism was back, his tone putting me at ease. This entire situation was nothing but professional; nothing but a task. "The only time you call me is when absolutely necessary."

Jaxon frowned. "How do we call you?"

"Sphinx knows how to contact me."

With that said, Dave span on his feet, throwing a quick glimpse over his shoulders before walking swiftly through the house gates.

"He doesn't know your real name, does he?"

I glared up at the Duke. "I wish you didn't either."

"Why?" Amusement flashed over his face. "Scared you'll end up liking the way it sounds?"

It was exactly that. The syllables of my name flowed off the tip of his tongue like silk.

"Don't flatter yourself. I'd rather you called me Sphinx."

He dipped his head down to my ear and only then did I realise how close we were standing. "Fine, I'll call you Sphinx." I inhaled sharply when his lips fluttered over my cheek as he spoke. "Only if you call me Jaxon."

He was too close. I was a spy—a professional one who had had sex with the Duke but still, I told myself, I had to keep my distance.

"I don't have time for this bullshit," I swore. "We need to go over the script in time for the conference."

My breath caught in my throat at the flare in his dual-shaded gaze—the icy blue of his eyes turned cold, the warmth of his brown one darkening until it was a smoky shade of ash.

"Yes. We do." All at once, he spun me around, his hand moving up to cup the back of my neck.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, my voice lost somewhere in my throat.

"There's a man with a camera behind you." Indeed, I caught a flash of movement in my peripheral vision. The Duke's voice lowered. "Rather he catches me than you."

"Shit," I cursed under my breath.

The Duke's jaw tensed. "Why do you think he's—"

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me you idio—"

He leaned in, hesitating. "Do you want me to?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake." I was beginning to panic. News of the Duke and I was not to spread before the media conference. Not at any cost. Especially if the pictures were posted online—especially if it revealed his location. He couldn't be found here. Not when I was unarmed. The only way out was for him to kiss me. "Do it before he takes a picture of your face. Why did you even turn me around in the first place?"

The muscle along his jaw ticked. Once. Twice.

I let my eyes fall shut as his arm snaked around my waist, his chest hard against mine.

And then he kissed me—on the corner of my mouth.

His lips remained inches above mine and I heard a distinct shuffling behind me as the cameraman struggled to catch the Duke's face in a picture.

Colour flooded into my cheeks. "What was that?"

He held my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "I'm not going to kiss you just because I have to."

The rest of his words went unsaid. He'd do it properly when it wasn't for show. And that warning was enough to send my heart racing.

"Jax— I mean, Your Grace—"

"To your left," he muttered, his minty breath fanning over my lips.

I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, draping my hands over his shoulders to guard his face.

His hold around my waist tightened. "We could get in fast enough."

"No. They'll get your location."

He grinned wolfishly. "Imagine this as a headline: 'Duke runs into manor with mysterious woman hot on his tails.'"

I sighed, pressing my palm to his face as the cameraman moved right. "Oh my God. They'd have me looking crazy."

Unless I did give the cameraman what he wanted.

A story. A story of the Duke kissing a mysterious woman outside a mysterious house—the Duke's reputation meant that it might not be taken seriously and maybe, just maybe I could get the Duke out of here fast enough.

I kissed him faster than I could change my mind.

He let out a deep noise of surprise, taking over the soft peck I'd planned to get away with. He nipped at my bottom lip, swiping over the sting with his tongue. The taste of him seeped down my throat, dark and merciless.

A camera clicked furiously behind me.

Breathlessly, I pulled away. "Get in the car." I gestured to my black Mercedes—the one I had the pleasure of driving whenever I was home—and he raced in.

I rushed into the driver's seat, throwing the vehicle into reverse as soon as the Duke had his seatbelt clipped.

I didn't dare glance at the speed I was driving at, not once as I swerved onto the motorway.

"Put on your seatbelt," he ordered.

I shot him a glare. "I'll survive."

Two similar black cars appeared on either side of mine and I let my grip loosen slightly over the steering wheel.

"Damn it. How did they find—"

"Relax. They're my people."

He nodded, his gaze still fixed on me. "You're shaking," he noted.

I told myself I was shaking because the Duke could be traced any second, but adrenaline was my safe space.

It was where I felt most at ease, where my limbs seemed to fall into an easy rhythm; my comfort zone.

I was shaking because of the man next to me.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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