◇♧°•chapter 9•°♤♡

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Nathan's pov:

After we ate icecream, we went back on set.

When we got there,everyone looked happy and excited? "Um why are you guys so happy? What happened? "Were going on a  trip to the beach" Robert said.

"Oh ok" y/n said, "but when exactly?"I asked. "Tomorrow" Robert said.

Your pov

"Tomorrow" so when I heard Robert say tomorrow,I needed to pack my stuff,but then I needed to ask him how long were going to stay,"oh um so how long are we going to stay there?"

"3 days"he said

Sorry for the short chapter I'm thinking wut kind of story I'm going for my Duncan or Quigley x reader book. Still thinking tho and I'm not sure if ima do it but keep safe ya'll!!

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