Robert called me and y/n, And We went over to him.
i asked why "Well there is romance between your characters, there's a kiss scene, I just want you guys to know and if ur ok with that. we'll give u some time to think about it" "well-" I got cut off by y/n "I'm ok with it if nathan's ok with it" I looked over at her and continued my sentence. "As I was saying, I'll think about it"I said
(Sheesh, that sounds sorta mean ngl)
Y/n's Pov:
Nathan said he'll think about it, I hope I didn't say anything wrong, I hope he's not uncomfortable with it.
We went to our trailer's and set my stuff down, then I heard a knocking sound on my door so I checked it out it was the girls. yaya spoke
"let's all get to know each other?" "That sounds like a great idea"
I said. then I let them in. after we get to know each other we became friends and we decided to prank the boys later night (skip to the part when Your about to prank the boys '~')
Ok yaya u go for Andy, akira u go for isaiah, vivien u go for Dylan,
lotus you go for Andrew, hala u go for Lyon.
and that leaves me with nathan.
I grabbed the stuff we need and went to their trailers. I went inside nathan's trailer and I cant stop giggling causing him to wake up.
"what are u doing in my trailer?"
In a sleepy voice, "I need to go for plan B."
I grab the shaving cream and sprayed it on his face.
then I made the run for it, I was so close to getting in my trailer but he grabbed me by my wrist. then I said
"hehe congratulations, you caught me."
then he let's me go." I'll let u go this time, since I'm tired." I took out my handkerchief and handed it to him. He wiped the shaving cream off and thanked me.
Then he said good night and I responded with a good night too
Next day
I woke up at 6:30A.M then, took a bath and bruh my teeth then i desided im gonna wear a baseball shirt and some shorts. (OK YA'LL ARE NOT WEARING THOSE CRINGE SHORTS YALL ARE GONNA BE WEARING THOSE SHORTS THAT BILL DENBROUGH WEARS THERE!)
(PS. I just realized that our clothes are like bills- <wrote this when I'm looking for any mistakes>)
(Hell no with the that outfit)
I went for a morning walk around set
Third person's pov:
Then you went to your hair dresser and got the clothes ur going to use for the movie.
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