new story and back on set

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So I've made a Bakugou story for those people who know bnha pls  try to read it
I've make the next chapter on my notebook and I dont want to waste my effort on a book if no one is going to read it but uh yeah let's get on with the chapter.

Your pov:
the day on the beach was nice
And me and nat got together it was kinda weird that he said his feelings in that.
situation  TvT
So- now that were back on sent
We were on to our last scene.

~•time skip cuz I can•~

After the last scene we were saying our goodbyes-

Yeah idk wut to do anymore-

I guess this is the end of the story-
I just cant think of a plot-
I've bee  busy lately fighting with bakubro
So uh I'm sorry-
But if my Bakugou story get 1k I might consider to continue this story.

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