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Noor POV

I was sitting in my office and I was feeling very tired. I don't want to do work and I am having a headache.

I heard a knock on the door.
Come in I said.
Maam these are the files which you have to check and submit it to boss said my P.A

Ok put it here I will see and please send me a glass of 7up I said.
Ok Maam she replied and went out.

I started checking the files but it was difficult to concentrate because of headache. This pain is from past 3 days but today it is very sever.

Suddenly I feel a bile raised in my stomach and I run towards the washroom and throw all the breakfast out.

I standup feeling week and risen my mouth with water then carefully made my way out with the support of the wall.

I was thinking I should tell Ali about my condition I can't take it more.

Suddenly my head got dizzy and black spots came in front of my eyes and didn't know when I fell on the floor and got unconscious.



I was in meeting with my finance department head and getting all the details about last month on our budge.

Suddenly meeting room door opened. I was going to shout on who ever it would be but stoped after seeing Noor's P.A
Sir Maam fainted in her room she said.

WHAT HOW I said and with out listening to her run towards Noor's room.

I opened her door and saw her on the floor. I immediately went towards her and patted her cheeks.

Noor wake up I said while still tapping her face. Give me a water bottle I said to her P.A
who was standing behind me.

She quickly gave it to me and I sprinkled some water on Noor's face but got no response.

Tell my driver to immediately bring the car on main entrance we have to take her to hospital immediately I ordered her P.A she nodded her head and went away.

While I picked Noor in my arm and run towards the lift and enter in it then pressed ground button.

She is looking so pale and weak I should have take her to hospital at morning when I felt she is not feeling good.

Lift door opened and I run towards  main door where my men's and driver were waiting one of them opened back seat door and I sat inside with Noor in my hands.

To the hospital I ordered the driver. He nodded and I call Asif he picked on fourth bell.
A.Salam he said

W.Salam I don't know what happened to the Noor but she fainted I am taking her to your hospital tell me any good doctor I asked.

Don't worry I will message you once I talked to my fellow doctor ok he said.
Ok I replied.

After few minutes I got a message from him in which he has mentioned the details of the doctor.

We reached the hospital while a doctor and nurses were standing outside with stretcher.

I immediately lay Noor on it and they rushed her in treatment room. While I waited outside the room.

Hope you all will like the update

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