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Mr.Ali i can see some complecation coming but we can stop them. But I need her to cooperate said doctor.
She will cooperate I replied while taking Noor's hand in my hand.

Ok I am giving some medicines and a diet plan which she have to follow strictly in order to stop complications she said.
Ok I replied.

And yes make sure she have proper sleep I have given some sleeping pills that should be given her in lunch and before sleeping in night she said.
Ok I will make sure she takes proper rest I said.

Doctor handed me the prescription I thanked her and help Noor to stand and we exited the room.

I give the prescription to one of my man who were standing outside the door.
Go and bring these all I said and we made our way towards the car.


Noor POV

It's been 4 months since I am on my new medication most of the time I am sleeping because of the sleeping pills.

But today I am fed up of sleeping I want to go out but no one allowed me to go but today I got a golden chance because Ali was in office while Chachi has gone to one of her friend house. While Agha Jan is sleeping after lunch.

Chachi went because she thought I am sleeping as a maid have given me medicine but she doesn't know that I didn't ate it.

So here I am roaming in lawn. When I suddenly heard a honk sound of a car outside the the gate and guards immediately stand up from their seats and went towards the gate to open it.

Just as I saw cars entering inside my eyes widened and I got stuck in my place and
Looking towards the car.

But when the owner of the car came out and directly gaze me in the eyes that was like a signal to my brain that I have to run.

I turn to run I didn't saw a stone on the ground my foot hit it and I got unbalanced and fall on the ground.

I screamed because of sudden pain in my stomach black dots appeared in front of my eyes and then I got unconscious the last thing I heard Ali's shout of my name then everything went black.



I was pacing back and forth on in the corridor of the hospital.
When doctor came out.
What happened doctor is she ok I asked.

You are lucky that both mother and baby are fine. But from now on she have to be in bed rest no movement at all and if she have to use bathroom you have to support her weight and take her.

If something like this again happened we will not be able to safe them she said.
Ok thank you doctor. Can I see her and when can I take her to home I asked.

You can see her now but we will keep her here for night for observation she replied.
Ok thank you doctor I said.

Hope you all will like the update

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