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I knocked on mom's room.
Come in I heard her voice as I listen to it I opened the door and enter inside.
Ali come beta she said.

Mom where is Ayan I am here to take him. You also rest I said.
Ayan but I don't have him she said.
What do you mean didn't you had him I asked.

I don't have Ayan he was with Noor all the time she said.
But Noor is saying you have him after dinner I said.
No I even didn't saw him after your photoshoot she said.

Let's go check Agha Jan maybe he have him I said and walk towards Agha Jan room and knocked his door and open it.

Come beta what happened he said.
Agah Jan do you have Ayan I asked.
No beta I don't what happened he asked. I explain him everything and we all went to my room to ask Noor about it.

I opened my room door and enter inside saw Noor on the bed.
Noor mom don't have Ayan nor do Agha Jan have him. When did you given him to mom I asked.
WHAT but I myself give him to a girl then how can Ayan is not with Chachi she said.

Then she explained how a girl come and asked about Ayan that she will take him to mom.

Noor how could give Ayan to anyone I said. Then went down and go to the security room and saw CCTV footage.

I saw a girl going towards backyard and a man was standing he took Ayan in his hands then went a little away where a car was parked he settled down inside the car and went away while a girl came back inside and went away from front gate.

I immediately ordered my best hacker and investigator to look into the matter and report me as soon as possible.

Then I turn towards my security team and ordered them to search for Ayan on every railway station, airports and alert the police about it as well.

As I went inside my room everyone looked at me Mom was hugging Noor while Agha Jan was sitting in sofa and Amal and Asif were standing on a corner. As both were staying here for a day.

As soon as Noor saw me she came to me hugged me.
Ali did you found anything about Ayan she asked.
No but I will I said to her.

No it's all my fault if I didn't give him to her he would be with us right now it is all because of I will go and find him myself she said.

She started to panic I hugged her tightly but she was going out of control she was shouting,crying,wiggling in my arms and hitting me so I will leave her it looks like her brain is not cooperating with her body.

Noor come in your senses I promise you I will bring him I yelled at her so she can come to her senses but she did not come out of her trace.

Ali she have no power over her body she is on extreme level of panic attack if she stay in same condition then she will have mental breakdown said Asif.

So what should we do I asked him.
I am going to give her sedative we don't have any other option he said.
Ok I said.

He went to take the sedative from his medical bag while I settle myself on the bed and put Noor on my lap so it is easy to give her injection.

Asif came few minutes later with injection in his hand. I hugged Noor more tightly while Amal helped in holding Noor's hand and fold her sleeve up so he can give her the injection.

Shhhh Noor it's ok everything is going to be alright I whisper in her ear.
As soon as Asif injected the injection Noor scream and said NO I want to go find Ayan what are you doing leave me.

Shhhhhh Noor everything is going to be alright shhhh I said. When Asif was done with it he throw the injection in the bin.

It will take around five minutes to make her sleepy he said. I nodded my head.

I just keep on whispering sweet things in her ear while everyone went out.
Ali p..pl...please Ayan she said in sleepy voice as the medicine have started to work.
Shhhh go to sleep love I will bring Ayan shhh sleep I said.

And finally she slept not before taking Ayan name again.
I put her on the bed and cover her with duvet and kissed her forehead and went outside.

Hope you all will like the update

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