Chapter One

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She knew there was an 80% chance of rain this afternoon, but as per usual, her optimistic attitude just couldn't let go of the fact that there was still a 20% chance that it wouldn't.

Uraraka grumbled to herself, trying her best to sprint through the crowded streets of the Sunday market. She could already feel tiny droplets of water drizzling down as she ran faster, hoping she could get home before the downpour. To add to her misfortune, the plastic bags she was clutching on both hands made it difficult to block the rain out of her face. She berated herself once again for choosing to change into a shirt over her initial hoodie.

She turned around a corner at full speed despite still being a good two to three kilometers away from her destination. She probably wouldn't be able to beat the rain, but she would damn near try.

Feeling the load on her right hand disappear, she immediately skidded to a stop, nearly tripping over her own feet.

"What the-" A huge gaping hole met her gaze as she raised the now empty plastic bag near her face. Glancing behind her, she saw the rest of her groceries sprawled haphazardly across the street. "Why?!" She screamed towards the heavens, cursing her luck.

Uraraka stomped her way back, hauling up the items one by one, stashing them in her remaining bag. Clutching the overflowing sack against her chest, she placed one hand beneath it to make sure it wouldn't rip.

A particularly large drop of water hit the bridge of her nose, startling her. Without warning, the initial drizzle immediately transformed into a relentless rainstorm.

Without any options left, Uraraka ran into the nearest entrance she found – a nearby temple. Rushing through the cobble road as carefully as she could, she headed for the main hall of the shrine. She was nearly fully drenched now.

Reaching the top of the short stairway, Uraraka heaved a sigh of relief as she gently dropped down her groceries onto the wooden floor. Wiggling her hands to rid them of water, she began to swipe them at her clothes; twisting her hair and fluffing it out so she wouldn't look like a drenched cat. She glanced around the rundown temple, taking note of the thick dust that enveloped the unpolished wooden structure. It looked like it hadn't been used-

Uraraka felt the hair on the back of her neck stand when her gaze landed on a pair of narrowed bloodshot eyes openly glaring at her. There, tucked against one corner of the temple, was one pissed Katsuki Bakugo.

"B-Bakugo-kun…" She could barely hear her own voice over the barrage of rain. He was sitting several feet away from her with his back leaning against one of the sliding wooden doors. His legs, covered in tattered jeans, were sprawled on the floor; both his hands resting languidly on the space between his legs holding a tall can of black coffee. A black hoodie hid his signature blonde hair, but that scowling face was a trademark only he could pull off.

All she got for a reply was a click of a tongue as he looked away evidently annoyed.

Uraraka cleared her throat as she watched Bakugo take a sip from the can he had been clutching. Upon closer inspection, it seemed he had been here for a while. The floor beneath him had been littered with convenience store packages ranging from sandwiches to jelly snacks, ice cream wrappers and juice cans. Had he been here the whole day?

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