30. Happily Ever After- Wait

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Kane didn't make it to his room, he didn't even make it to the house.

We ended up in a section of the garden I'd never had the chance- or courage- to discover. Luckily, it was surrounded by tall plants and trees, although the coldness of the grass was uncomfortable. The warmth from Kane's body on top of mine made things better, but I couldn't care less about how cold it was by then.

"Why do you always have these things on you?" I asked Kane when he took out the protection.

"A guy can always hope," he said in the most sheepish way I'd ever seen him. "I'll move your things into our room later," he said, licking at my face like a cat.

"You said we were going to our room." I poked him in the stomach playfully. "If the garden is it, I don't think I want to move in with you anymore."

He bit my shoulder, hummed when I yelped (more in surprise than pain). "I'm going to bite you like this whenever you do something I don't like. In public too."

I ran my hands through his hair. "That better be a joke."

"You gave me free reign, remember?" I gasped when he began to nibble his way downwards.

I was going to ask if he wanted me to revoke that freedom, but the hungry brush of his lips reached that special spot and my arguments evaporated. He hadn't bothered undressing either of us, just moving the essential barriers out of the way and diving right in- overwhelming and mercilessly punishing as he unraveled me over and over again. And when I thought I could take no more, he enveloped me in his arms and started a rhythm that instantly had me moving with him, unable to resist the urge to give back the pleasure he was giving me.

"You'll kiss me whenever you see me and also whenever you're saying goodbye," he rasped at my ear, hands cupping and kneading under my shirt.


"You'll come distract me while I'm working."

If this is what happens when I do, then yes. My head lolled back in the ground, eyes fluttering shut and opening again when he growled.

"Let me have you every day. Several times."

"Is it just me or are your demands getting bossier by the minute?" I asked.

"Kiss me," he said, not in his usual do-as-I-say-peasant way but in the I-might-die-if-you-don't way.

I obliged, partly because I couldn't refuse when he asked that way and partly because if his mouth was occupied he couldn't convince me to sell my soul to him.

The kiss started gently but quickly escalated, went on until the sparks had sizzled and went off like fireworks and finally tapered off.

I sighed, playing with the stray locks of hair at his forehead. "I love you."

He stiffened. Blinked. "What did you say?"

I smiled, lifted up to kiss his cheek. "I love you, Kane Wilder."

He studied my face, shivering in a way I had a feeling was in no way connected to the weather. Then he grabbed my face and kissed me desperately.

And the fireworks started all over again.


"You haven't explained the job blacklisting," I told Kane later. We were in his bed and I was drowsily watching him play with my hair.

Head propped against his hand, he curled a strand around his finger, smiled at me. "I told them not to give you a job because you already have a new one."

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