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So ... for everyone who is recently reading this be happy!!
I didn't plan to come back that soon already😂 I just have a friend who is reading this story and she asked me already after I just published the 2 chapter when the next one will come out ... soooo, I guess she already knows by now that I mean her but anyway, this chapter is rather short (sry for that btw) but I think it's cute ... so yeah have fun whoever is reading this🤗💗


Hope came running down the stairs and into her mothers arms who hugged her tightly.

"Hey little duckling." Emma said what earned her the sweetest laugh she'd ever heard.

"Mommy, I can't sleep." Hope suddenly began to tear up.

"Aw, sweetie what happened?" Emma asked her daughter.

"There was a monster and it wanted to take you away from me." Hope said little tears coming out of her eyes.

Emma wipped her tears and said: "Sweetie I'm right here and I'm not going away."

"Can I sleep with you and Daddy?" Hope asked, still with tears in her eyes and her best puppy dog eyes.

Emma laughed and than said: "Of course sweetie."
Than she mumbled to herself: "Damn, she didn't got that from me!"

As if on cue Killian came into the kitchen and Hope graped for him. He took her from Emma and she snuggled into him. He looked down at her and smiled.

"I missed you and mommy, daddy." Hope whispered.

"We missed you too little love." He said running his hand throught her long blonde hair.

She had the exact same hair colour as Emma, but she had his eyes, what Emma secretly hoped would happen. As it became quite in the room the little girl started to fall asleep again. When Killian looked down again he found that the little princess was peacefully sleeping. Emma took her from him and brought her upstairs. She laid her down in her and Killians bed as promised and Hope snuggled into her mothers pillow, a little smile coming to her lips. Emma just watched her daughter for a moment, smiling at the peaceful sleeping princess, before she stood up to go downstairs again. However suddenly there was a little hand holding her back. She looked down again and saw that Hope looked at her with wide eyes.

"Are you leaving me?" She asked under tears.

Emma sat back down and brought her daughter into a hug. "I just wanted to go check on daddy and Aunti Belle, if everything is alright." Emma said, running her hand throught Hopes hair. She already knew that Hope was like her when it got to people leaving her alone. She had hoped it wouldn't happen but the little girl was as much scared to lose people as her mother was.

"Can you stay here mommy?" Hope asked looking up at her mother with her puppy eyes again, a little tear rolling down her cheek.

"Ok, but you have to move a little bit, because otherwise daddy won't fit into the bed anymore."

Hope giggled and moved more to the outside of the bed. Emma looked at her daughter confused, normaly she would move into the middle to lay between her parents, but a lot of strang things happened in Storybrook today so she didn't question it.

"Ok, I'm just going to get changed, I'll be back in a minute." Emma announced.

Hope nodded, half asleep again. Emma walked to her and Killians wardrobe and got out her pjs. She walked to the attached bathroom and brushed her teeth, after she got changed and walked back into the bedroom where she found Killian leaning against the door frame smiling from ear to ear.

"I showed our guest the guest room." He said.

Emma walked over to him and kissed his lips slowly and lovingly. When they pulled back she turned around and got into bed next to a fast asleep little princess and Killian put on his pjs. He got in next to Emma a questioning eyebrow raised as why Hope wasn't laying in the middle. Emma already knew the question and just shruged. Killian did the same and sneaked his arms around her. They laid down together and Emma turned around so that her back was facing Killian and she pulled Hope to her. Hope was happy about that and snuggled into her mother. Killian sneaked his arm around his daughter as well and pulled them closer to himself. Emma chuckled at that. He just snuggled his head into her hair and she sight happily. That's her family and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ok, Ik it's rather short, but I guess (and hope) the next chapter makes up for that.😂✌🏼

Also, I think it's cute.🥺 I mean there is so much of CS and little Hope.🥺🥰

And I've got not so many homeworkes anymore (finally🥳🥳). I had this huge assignment for until this week. I'm amazed that I still had time to write this chapter so yeah ... that's why it's so short.😂✌🏼 I'll post more often from now ... I think.

You never know what our teachers are up to.🤷🏼‍♀️🙄

Anyway we're going into march and I still didn't had school this year (thx Covid-19🥲😒).

Best news of the week: in not even a month anymore we have spring break.🥳🥳🥳🎆

Anyway .... stay save guys and try to smile as often as u can.💗

Btw Covid-19 is at some point even a little bit great, because we don't have to go to school anymore, we don't have to see our least favourite teachers anymore and for me personally I can write way more than before the Lockdown so ... happy me.🥳🥳

Other than that ... I think the photo that is about is giving a little hint to how Emma's life is and I would say it's rather great!!!🥳 Well I hope as well as u that it will stay that way ... but you never know what is coming next in Storybrook, right?😂🤗

I also have a question: can u guys see the pictures on top of the chapters? I just discovered that when I'm reading this Story with my IPad that I can't see the pictures ... so yeah ... just dm me or do it in the comments. Thank u for the help!🥰💗

Hopefully see u soon guys.💗🥰

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