𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑒!!!

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Omg I'm laughing so hard right now! This image of Stich!!! 😂😂 Just had to do it!😂

Also, did you watch the video above? Yes? Than you now know why I'm sitting in my bed, crying my eyes out!😖🥺😭
Have fun reading this🌸💗
"Robert I told you before, I am not Allison Cameron, I never was and I never will be!" She nearly screamed at him. "Get that in your stupid head and leave me the fuck alone!"

"Why did you do it?! Why did you lie to me, why did you lie to all of us?!" He yelled back at her.

"I told you before! I didn't want to be Emma Swan back than! But I'm happy to be me now! Now fuck the hell off!"

"Not until you tell me the real reason!"

"There is no other reason! I didn't love you, I played a roll and I for sure as hell didn't like it!" She was so annoyed with this man by now.

Suddenly he pulled her to his body and his lips landed on hers. Anger bubbled in her and she knew what would happen in the next second.
Suddenly Chase flew off of her and against a nearby wall.

"I told you to leave me alone!" She snarled. She began to choke him with her magic.

Her eyes darkened and you could see the anger bubbling through her. Chase had an scared expression on his face. He could hardly breath at this point and his face was turning blue.

"You'll never do that again! Do we understand each other?!"

He could only nod his head yes and she slowly let him back down from the wall he was still pined into. Suddenly the door to Granny's burst open again and Killian came running to them. When he got there he was stunned to see Chase laying on the floor and Emma looking at him angrily.

"What was that pleas?" Killian asked a little amused.

"You know that I can handle myself and if a bastard like him tries to kiss me I'm getting angry."

"He tried what?!" Killian yelled stepping right in front of Chase's body, that was still on the floor. Emma put a gentle hand on his shoulder to stop him before he did anything he would regret afterwards.

"It's ok, I think he learned his lesson. Also, you know that I only love you and you also know that you're my true love and that's the only thing that's important, and our daughter of course," she smiled at him, "who we should get back to by the way." She got a serious expression again.

He nodded and together they walked back into Granny's, leaving Chase laying on the floor.
They walked into the little diner and Emma was immediately tackled into a hug from her daughter who began to cry all over again.

"Hey it's ok. Mommy is alright." She smoothed her. "You're save sweetie. No bad man here anymore."

"You promise?" Hope sniffled looking up at her mother with big ocean blue eyes.

"I promise. We'll see him again thought. But he won't do anything like that again." She assured her.

"I don't want to see him again mommy." Hope cried.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to. Just close your eyes and think about home. You remember how to do that?"

Hope nodded and burrowed her face into Emma's neck. She snuggled into her mothers arms and fell asleep very soon after.
Killian had an irritated look on his face, not know what Emma meant by that. She gave him a look as if to say "I'll explain later." He nodded and Emma turned to the doctor-squad.

"You might wanna go outside, look at him if everything is alright. He was laying on the floor when we got in here again."

"What happened?" Cuddy asked.

"Let's just say, he dragged the wrong person outside the diner, especially when I was already angry at him for scaring my daughter."

Cuddy looked perplexed but shook it off quickly. She turned to Foreman and waved him over so he'd come with her. House stood up as well but didn't walked outside the diner with them. Instead he walked over to the little family.

"What did you do with him?" He asked curiously.

"Used a little magic. But believe me, he deserved it."

"Oh, I know he did. Thanks for that, now we have to deal with a grumpy Chase all week and he probably won't talk a word. So really thank you." House grinned.

Emma rolled her eyes and looked up at Killian as if to asked what they were going to do now.

"We should probably head home now. We have to make a family dinner, remember?" Killian said.

Emma nodded and looked back at House and asked: "You're coming with us or do you wanna annoy Wilson first?" She asked playfully.

House looked a little offended but than said: "Nah, I'll come with you. I'm not really in the mood for him today."

Emma looked at him as if he were sick but than just shrugged and they walked back over to the booth telling her parents, brother, Regina and Wilson goodbye. Henry got up and they all walked outside the little diner. Emma looked around and found Cuddy and Foreman nursing Chase up, who looked rather scared.

"You still didn't tell me what you told him when you were in the back." Emma said as she remembered the earlier scene in front of her.

"Right, that one. I'll tell you when we're home and everyone is sleeping." He smirked down at her and she just shook her head, knowing what he had in mind. "Here let me take Hope, you have to concentrate."

She smiled and gave him their daughter trying to move her as little as possible. Hope stirred a bit but didn't woke up, instead she snuggled into her dad and sighed happily.

"Ok guys, you have to hold hands, otherwise you won't come with us." Emma told Henry and House, who was looking at her with a questioning expression. "Just do it! Henry give me your hand." She said and Henry grabbed House's hand and than Emma's.

Killian took Emma's other hand and squeezed a little bit. She looked up smiling at him and than closed her eyes to concentrate. A white smoke appeared all around them and when it faded they were standing in front of Emma's parents house again. She looked over, if everybody was with her and smiled when she found Killian, Hope in his arms, smiling at her, a stunned House and Henry standing next to him smiling at his grandparents house.

"Ok guys come on, get in the car, we still need to make dinner and it isn't doing itself now is it?" Emma said.

Everybody nodded and got in the car. Emma driving, Killian in the passenger seat with Hope on his lap, who was still sound asleep, and House and Henry in the back of the bug.

"By the way, mom told me to tell you guys she is bringing lasagna so that you guys don't have to make that much of food." Henry suddenly said.

Emma smiled at him and nodded.
They pulled up in front of the house and got out of the car. Walking inside Killian kissed Emma's check.

"I'm going to bring her upstairs and will be back in no time. Don't start without me!" He warned her.

She offered a big smile and pecked is lips before going to the kitchen to prepare everything for making dinner. Meanwhile Henry and House headed upstairs, talking about video games. When Killian came back downstairs they started making dinner.

And we're baaaaaaaaack!

I think it's kinda interesting that Emma still has like this dark part in her but who hasn't?🤷🏼‍♀️ I have a feeling that I'll work more often with that part of her, because I think it's an interesting part that she maybe just doesn't show, but when it comes to something like Chase ... who knows what's going to happen.🤷🏼‍♀️

Anyyyyway, happy eastern!!!🐇🐣🥚🌸 I hope you had a great Easter-weekend and could celebrate it with your family.

I still have one week of spring break left and my parents are on vacation yayyyyy (note the sarcasm).🌸

Anyway, have a great week we hear us next time✌🏻🌸💗

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