Act 30

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Jeongin watched as the guys one by one left the room. He still couldn't believe that he had kissed Hyunjin only earlier that day. After he had cleared everything up with Chan, they had talked for a long time, just the two of them in his little hiding spot. It had been the first time he had been able to breathe in months. Like a weight had fallen of his shoulders. He had realised that his relationship with Chan had been more brotherly than lovers, Chan had been right. Losing Chan was not like losing a lover, it was like losing a brother, someone who always was there for you. He knew there was still a lot of pain between them, but they were making steps, just small steps in the right direction. Even tonight, Chan sat next to him on his bed and they could joke, even though it had been a little awkward at first the older still cared for him, could still make him laugh. Chan would baby him like a little brother, and he enjoyed it. He enjoyed being in his company again, being in the company of all of his friends. This night reminded him of how it used to be.

"Earth to Jeongin?" Jeongin looked up at the sound of Jisung's voice, realising he had gotten lost in his own thoughts. "You want some?" Jisung was holding the bottle of alcohol in front of his face. Jeongin stared at it for a long moment before shaking his head. After that one night, he decided to not drink any alcohol anymore. Chan took the bottle instead and took a large gulp from it, before getting up. "Bathroom..." He said, and gave Jeongin's head a ruffle, passing the bottle back to Jisung, who was downing it in a very fast manner. Jeongin watched in surprise as he saw the guy drink, wondering how it was possible that Jisung wasn't completely drunk. Not even 5 minutes later, Jeongin realised that Jisung was in fact totally drunk and was currently trying to give Minho an awkward lap dance. He turned his head away from the sight, getting red just looking at them. He noticed that Felix was in fact quite fascinated by the show the two put on and laughed. That is when his eyes fell to Seungmin. Who was just as Jeongin trying not to look at the show that Jisung was given, he wanted to get up and speak to him. He and Seungmin had not had any time together since they all started to become friends again, and he was missing Seungmin. But before he got up, Chan took his place next to him on the bed again, unlike before, when Chan had been carefree and chatting away, the man now looked angry.

He poked Chan's shoulder making the older look at him. "Are you okay?" He asked his head slightly tilted. Chan just nodded "Don't worry about it..." But the frown did not leave his face, worrying Jeongin. Especially when Chan took the bottle and gulped it down even faster that Jisung had before. Jeongin gave him a worried glance, before he noticed that Chan was looking at Felix, he had an unreadable expression on his face, that scared him slightly. Before he could ask any more questions, Hyunjin and Changbin had entered the room again and Hyunjin sat down on his other side. Hyunjin went straight to teasing Minho, and whistling at the display before them, but Jeongin couldn't help but stare down at their legs, their knees where touching, and it looked like Hyunjin was doing it on purpose. His mind was going back to that afternoon. After his conversation with Chan, he had thought about it a lot. Hyunjin had told Seungmin he liked him. He had liked Hyunjin before, but he had to be sure.

He did not know what had come over him at that moment, or what gave him the courage to kiss him. A small part of him always regretted not remembering what it felt like that night with Hyunjin. That small part always made him feel even more guilty, but that part was becoming bigger and bigger ever since they started talking again. He just wanted to remember what Hyunjin tasted like, and how his touches where. He had been thinking about it since his talk with Chan and then in the theatre... he just did it. It had felt different from any kiss he had before, from the kisses with Chan. The way his heart started racing and the way his soft lips, the way Hyunjin tasted. Jeongin was certain about one thing. The feelings he once had for Hyunjin, the feelings he had tried to hide and shove away in the darkest deepest part of his heart. Those feelings were still very much alive. His eyes moved up from their touching knees, traveling past Hyunjin's body to his lips. He licked his own lips at the sight of them before moving further up, realising Hyunjin was also looking at him.

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