Act 31

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*This chapter contains smut, if you are not a fan of this you can skip the italic part, I would recommend reading through the parts that are not italic because they are important. *


Minho was dragging his boyfriend down the hallway, down to their room, which should not be a difficult task as Jisung was as light as a feather, but the said man kept pressing kisses on his neck, on his cheek and on his lips and his hands kept wandering to sinful places on his body, making it hard for Minho to navigate down the hallway in the darkness. "F*ck Jisung... just..." he mumbled as he tried to open the door. Finally, Jisung let him go and he was able to open the door, when he opened the door, he figured Jisung would tackle him down again but Jisung just stood there his hands covering his mouth. "I don't feel so good..." Jisung mumbled before he quickly ran past Minho into the bathroom, reaching the toilet just in time as he started to throw up. Minho quietly closed the door behind him, getting an emergency light from his closet, before walking into the bathroom sitting down on the cold floor next to Jisung, rubbing soft circles on his back as Jisung emptied out the content of his stomach. The emergency light giving off a soft glow in the bathroom. It took a while before Jisung lifted his head again, sitting back down on the bathroom floor. "I'm sorry..." Minho just shook his head, handing him a bottle of water. "Don't worry about it... but can you tell me what's wrong? Why did you drink so much it's not like you?" Jisung took the bottle, holding it with both hands before shaking his head violently. "Nothing is wrong... I just..." He took a sip of the water but remained silent after.

Minho moved from his spot on the floor, sitting closer to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around him. "Just what?" Jisung set the bottle down on the floor. "There are two reasons..." Jisung let out a sigh before turning to look at him. "Don't you think it's all too easy?" Minho gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, us, the group, everything..." When Minho still looked confused, Jisung let out another sigh, looking down at his hands. "I have had a crush on you for years, to the point I was afraid to talk to you and now suddenly we are together, and everything is great... the group is becoming friends again. Everyone is talking, I saw Changbin smile in a way I have never seen before... I don't know what is going on with Hyunjin, Jeongin and Chan but they all seem more comfortable around each other. We finally have Seungmin back with us... I missed him, talking to him... but it always felt awkward and now he is here again." Jisung rambled on and Minho just nodded. "Those are all good things right..." Jisung nodded but still looked down. "It scares me... you know... in every story, all the characters and everyone is always happy, and then soon after, something terrible happens... I feel like something terrible is going to happen soon... but I can't put my finger on what it is... it scares me." Minho nodded turning his head to see his boyfriend. "But you know... usually those stories, also have happy endings. I know our story will have a happy ending together..." Jisung looked up at him with a sad smile. "I don't want to lose our group of friends again... I want us all to stay together until the end." Minho smiled "I can't make a promise for everyone, but I can promise that I will stay with you till the end, till you don't want me around anymore." He leaned in and pressed a kiss to Jisung's lips before quickly pulling away again with a disgusted face. "I can also promise you I won't kiss you again, until you brush your teeth..."

Jisung laughed softly, pushing himself off the floor. "I should also take a shower..." He mumbled. He made to leave the bathroom, but Minho quickly grabbed his hand. "You don't have an emergency light in your room. You can brush your teeth here... take a shower here... sleep here...Together with me." Jisung slowly turned around smiling at him. He made to lean in to kiss him again, but Minho quickly turned his head away. "Please, brush your teeth first..." Jisung laughed loudly this time as he turned to the sink. Minho handed him a spare toothbrush and he started brushing his teeth, while Minho walked back into the room, using the light of his phone to navigate around, grabbing a change of clothes and underwear, he already heard the water of the shower and as he got back into the bathroom, he spotted Jisung showering, naked. He wanted to facepalm himself, of course he showers naked, why was he so shocked about it. He swallowed, cursing the emergency light because it was so little that he could barely see the man. He had fantasies about Jisung's naked body a million times, and even more frequently after their date and now when he finally had a chance to see it, there was not enough light.

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