Chapter 4

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This was a terrible plan.

Dick's tire shakes threateningly as another bullet ricochets off the road in front of him, sparks whizzing.

Dick swerves out of the way as Jason throws a look over his shoulder, repositioning his gun to shoot again. His jacket flies out behind him and his red helmet still stands out in the dark night.

"Dang it Wing!" he bellows. Another shot goes off.

"Would you just listen for a second?!" Dick yells back.

Jason suddenly takes a sharp turn to the right and Dick throws himself in that direction, just barely squeaking around the turn.

This. Is getting beyond frustrating.

How did Jason steal a bike so fast anyway?

Dick throws himself around another turn, trying to keep up with his brother.

He lets out a frustrated breath, mind racing.

How long has it been since he landed on that rooftop? A few hours?

It feels like a lifetime.

And then, because apparently, the universe wants to further complicate Nightwing's already crazy life, the comm device in Dick's ear suddenly crackles to life.

"Nightwing," the growl crackles through his comm. "I'm in pursuit of target. Status?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Dick yells to the sky.

Dick's eyes snap back to the road in time to see Jason's aiming back at him again. Pulse pounding, Dick throws himself into a quick maneuver, pulling a hard right to segue into a parallel street just as the gunshot goes off.

He'll need to join back up soon... He cannot lose Jason.

Adrenaline pumps through him as he turns to the Bruce problem.

Because he definitely doesn't want B to know that he is also in pursuit of Jason. Very close pursuit. B might not take that well.

So he'll go with another option.

"Hm?" he asks over the comm, trying for unconcerned, even as the road blurs by. "Following up on that lead, B," he says.

A beat. Then "I could use backup. He's on the move."

There's the turn up ahead. Dick revs the bike, pulling abruptly back behind Hood. He's still making evasive maneuvers.

Smart, seeing how Batman's onto them now.

"Which way?" Dick asks, keeping up the conversation even as he's eyes are lazer-focused on Jason.

"East", B responds.

"Visual?" Dick asks, heart pounding. He really really hopes...

"No," Bruce growls into the comms, and Dick lets out a deep breath.

"Ok, B. I'm on it. Cut him off at 8th and 21st. I'll loop from the other side."

Dick knows for a fact that Jason won't go that way- the safehouse is in the other direction. Hopefully B will take the bait.

"Wait, Nightwing, that's-"

And suddenly Dick's focus is pulled back to Jason as he dodges more shots that echo through the streets. And Dick really hopes his comm isn't picking up that sound...

Dick's hands tighten on the handlebars and he cranks the gas even harder, aiming to slide behind Jason so that the shots at his wheels won't be so easy.

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