Chapter 7

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They move quickly.

Within moments, they've gathered enough supplies from Jason's old storehouse that Dick thinks they're prepared to take on a small army. Though he hopes their gear includes enough toys to help them deal with a time machine.

Bruce and Tim give Dick and Jason their extra comm devices and they're set to go.

Bruce ends up driving.

Dick can't say that he's surprised, but he's pretty sure the driver is supposed to keep their eyes on the road. Currently, Bruce is failing and although Jason is staring out the window, Dick is sure he can feel every glance Bruce is sending his way. Jason obviously isn't very fond of them- Dick can feel his stiffness from where their shoulders rub in the backseat as Jason purposefully stares out of the window. Honestly, Dick's surprised Bruce and Tim convinced Jason to ride in the car at all. Dick's pretty sure he was planning to steal another motorcycle. He wonders if Jason would've stolen one for him too. This car is way too full of tension. And Dick hates not being behind the wheel so he has something to do to occupy his twitchy fingers.

Tim seems to be the only one enjoying the ride. He's currently got his feet up on the dashboard (something Bruce definitely would be scolding him for if he wasn't so caught up in glancing at his dead-now-alive-son). He's fiddling with his wrist-computer, probably checking out the energy signature.

Dick sighs, looking out the window at the city racing by.

This night has taken so many turns since he woke up. He never thought he'd actually be sitting in the Batmobile with Past-Bruce and Past-Tim and Jason without anyone shooting or yelling at each other. Put in that context, it's really going pretty well actually.

But his nerves are eating him up. What will they find when they reach the energy flux? Will they be able to use it to figure out a way home? To figure out how they got here in the first place? What happens if it sends them hurtling even further into the past? Will they even remember all of this? And when they get there, even if something doesn't go horribly wrong, how are he and Jay going to get home?

He sighs again, pressing his palms hard into the flesh above his knees. The tingles are grounding. If only he could remember...

"You're brooding."

Dick looks up to see Jason looking at him, arms folded. His helmet glints in the flashing streetlights they're passing. "Works better on B, you know."

Dick cracks a small smile. "Got a lot on my mind," he concedes. "Judging by how tonight's gone, I'm sure I'm not the only one."

Jason snorts beside him, shaking his head. "Picked up on that one, huh?"

Dick gives a wry smile. "Can't have been easy. With B in the warehouse, yah, but all of tonight. You... doing alright?"

"Peachy," Jason deadpans. "Stuck in the past with a nosy brother, an extra-clingy B, and a reminder of some of my biggest mistakes-" Dick's eyes flick to Tim. Jason folds his arms. "Just peachy. Normal Tuesday, isn't it?"

Dick rolls his eyes at the jab even as his heart twinges just a bit

"Well," he decides on. "Even if the situation stinks, it's nice to see you and at least one version of B make up."

Jason huffs a laugh. "Right. Of course that's what you'd get out of all of this."

Dick's smile broadens. "You know me so well Littlewing."

"Yah, whatever," Jason says. He pauses, then, "I think I remember flashes of the others too."

"Yah?" Dick asks, furrowing his brow. "What do you see?"

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