Chapter 10

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Dick tightens his grip on his escrima sticks, electricity arcing over them in the dark night. Ras stands across from him, still half hidden in the shadows of an alleyway. Dim flashes of streetlights catch the edges of his green cloak and illuminate his face. Dick's pulse pounds through his fingers and he's grateful for the weapons in his hands. They're grounding.

Because Ras is bad, bad news.

"Ras," Bruce growls, stepping forward beside Dick. He's tensed. Ready for a fight.

"Detective," Ras acknowledges, expression dark. "I do not appreciate being blown from the sky. Nor do I appreciate treachery from my own. Tonight you have infiltrated and hacked my base, attacked my transport, downed my planes, and are harboring a rogue member of the League. You are walking on dangerous ground, Detective. Attacking the League of Assassins was a very unwise move on your part."

"Father is not the one who has instigated this, Grandfather," Damian says, voice even over thinly veiled anger. "And I am no member of your League. I have made my choice."

"So you have," Ras says, teeth flashing in a deep scowl. "You have greatly disappointed me. I had not imagined that treachery was among your deficits. When we return, you will come to reconsider your traitorous actions."

Damian stiffens and Dick growls. "No way. You're insane if you think we'll let you even come close to him ever again."

"My my," Ras says, and his sword flashes in the low light. "The circus brat. And so protective too. My grandson has a legacy to return to. It is his destiny and you, none of you, can stand in the way of that."

"That's where you're wrong, you pompous idiot," Jason says sharply. "You and your assassins try to take another step and you'll be full of lead before your foot hits the ground."

"Touching," Ras says, eyes flashing. "A family effort. But what happened to you, Hood? Last I heard you were planning on murdering everyone in your little 'family'. Change of heart?"

Jason growls and Bruce clenches his fists. "Leave, Ras," he growls. "Now."

"Now now, Batman," Ras says, voice cold. "This doesn't have to get ugly. Hand the child over. Is your family really worth this fight?"

Cold rage sweeps through Dick and he growls. No one. Threatens his family.

"You're a coward, Ras," Bruce growls, taking a half-step forward. "He is a child. My child. And he is not going with you. Not now. Not ever."

Some emotion flickers across Ra's face before his eyes darken. "So be it," he says, whole face a scowl. "Take them."

The assassins move instantly. But so does Dick.

"Watch each other's backs!" he exclaims, and he's off, feet pounding against the ground as he charges toward the assassins.

"Grayson!" Damian calls in alarm, but Dick is already gone, leaping, flipping, and contorting over blows and around assailants. His feet never stop and he's flying, bee-lining for their greatest opponent. The one who's trying to take Dami away from them. Dick scowls, quickly changing directions to avoid a knife flashing his way, and throws himself into a roll, coming up with eyes on his target.

Just ahead, Ras' two bodyguards seem to spot him, rushing to engage. Behind them, Dick can just barely see the Demon, dark eyes landing on Dick. Dick narrows his eyes right back. He is definitely not in the mood.

The first guard reaches him and Dick rolls to the side, seeing a sword flash. He spins, coming up to slam his escrima sticks into the assailant's side. As the first assailant doubles over, Dick moves, just barely evading a blow as the sword comes at his head.

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