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7:32 AM
What the hell is going on....? It's fucking 7:31 am. says cyonn

Kierra turns slowly to look at cyonn and asks her, wh- but before she could finish her sentence cyonn gets out the bed and goes to the apartment across front hers (Miaya's and her gf apartment) and knocks on the door.
They do not open the door and the two girls continue to hear moaning and bed creaking.

About 30 minutes later the creaking and moaning stops.

Kierra and Cyonn go to their apartment once again. This time Asiah opens the door butt booty naked 😐.

I close my eyes and I hand her my robe I had on. Thankfully I had ethika underwear and a bra on. She goes back in the house and I follow her. I ask her what the hell was y'all doing at 7 in the fucking morning.  She says that they was having SEGGS. I look at her and say, AT SEVEN IN THE FUCKING MORNING????! She goes on to explain how you know that miaya is a "freak" and yada yada. I was like okay that is enough and I turn to go back to my apartment. About an hour later kierra gets up and she leaves me so she can go to work. I grab my robe and keys and I go check the mail .
I see that it is a new bill and I just put it on the table and walk away. About 8 hours later kierra walks through the door and I am super happy to see her but she is tired and I go to give her a hug but she runs up the stairs into our bedroom and takes off her uniform.

Kierra P.O.V

I come back home and see cyonn waiting on me and she looks mad at me, I ask her what's wrong? She looks at me deadass and says
"you left me"
I look at her and say , I had to go to work !!! She gets angry and goes upstairs.
I think nothing of it and and I go make dinner.
About 25-30 minutes later I finish dinner and I do upstairs to our bedroom to tell cyonn that the food is done. I go to open the door and I see that she was on the bed in the red ethika suit and red robe with one button on 😜!!!  I climb into bed and she does the thing with her Hand yk the thing that people do when they want you to come here yeah she did that😇 I take off my apron and we get to work 😍😚😚😚😚!!! She all up in there! I tell you , having a gf is so much better then a bf😉 !!

The end......

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