Town Called Mercy

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" When I was a child, my favourite story was about a man who lived forever, but whose eyes were heavy with the weight of all he'd seen. A man who fell from the stars" "I knew you'd find me eventually" mas said as he crashed on the ground "Make peace with your gods""Once they were your gods, too" he said trying to stay alive "Not any more""Am I, am I the last one" he wonder as he tried to reach for a gun but got shot in the back "There's one more. The Doctor" and it goes into the theam tune.

The tardis fly through the vortex and it introduces the cast of the show. And the title and then we arrive in mercy "Mercy. Eighty one residents""Look at this. It's a load of stones and lumps of wood. What is it" clone Rebecca wonder looking at it " A load of stones and lumps of wood""The sign does say Keep Out"raven said frowning "I see Keep Out signs as suggestions more than actual orders, like Dry Clean only"" is he serious "Charlotte said frowning as they follow him" That's not right""It's a street lamp" rose said looking at it An electric street lamp about ten years too early "" It's only a few years out" Beth said "That's what you said when you left your phone charger in Henry the Eighth's en-suite""Doctor, er" amy tried to get his attention "Anachronistic electricity, Keep Out signs, aggressive stares. Has someone been peeking at my Christmas list" "Doctor" Andrew said as the doctor put a tooth pick in and they walked into the bar "Tea. But the strong stuff. Leave the bag in""What you doing here, son" said sandie said looking at him "Son? You can stay"" um hon " Charlotte said frowning" Sir, might I enquire who you is""Of course. I'm the Doctor. This is No need to stand. You see that? Manners. Oh, thank you. But I don't need a new suit" the doctor said as someone measured him " I'm the undertaker, sir""I got a question. Is you an alien" Walter asked " Well, er, bit personal. It's all relative, isn't it? I mean, I think you're the aliens, but in this context, yes. Yes, I suppose I am Guys" "Doctor! Put him down" amy said as they follow them "Don't think we won't kill you"" Leave him alone" Charlotte said shouting at them " Charlotte , everything is completely under control. Guys, guys, guys. Ow" "hon you ok " Charlotte wonder if he OK "He's coming. Oh God, he's coming," "Preacher, say something" Walter said as the gunslinger is coming"Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done""You, bow tie. Get back across that line. Now" issac said as they look at him"Isaac, he said he was a doctor. An alien doctor""That a reason to hand him to his death" he wonder " Isaac, it could be him""You know it ain't Ma'am" he said passing the other nodding as the doctor rubbed himself down "Just letting him go like that? Be seeing you, boy" "What was that outside" raven winder "the Gunslinger. Showed up three weeks back. We've been prisoners ever since. See that border line stretching round the town? Woke up one morning, there it was. Nothing gets past it, in or out. No supply wagons, no reinforcements. Pretty soon the whole town's going to starve to death""But you let us in" Beth wonder why they did that "You ain't carrying any food. Just three more mouths to feed. We'll all die even sooner now""What happens if someone crosses the line Ah, well, he wasn't a very good shot, then" Charlotte said seeing the hat "he was aiming for the hat""He shoots people's hats" Andrew said frowning "It was a warning shot""Ah, no, yes. I see. Hmm" the doctor said " What does he want? Has he issued some kind of demand" "Says he wants us to give him the alien doctor" issac said explained what it wants "But that's you. Why would he want to kill you? Unless he's met you" "And how could he know that we'd be here We didn't even know we'd be here" Rory said looking at him "We were aiming for Mexico. The Doctor was taking us to see the Day of the Dead Festival "" Mexico's two hundred miles due south" issac said looking at them "Well, that's what happens when people get toast crumbs on the console. Anyway, I think it's about time I met him, don't you" "Who" he wonder " The chap outside said I could be the alien doctor, but you said I wasn't, so you already know who it is. Two alien doctors. We're like buses. Resident eighty one, I presume, so beloved by the townsfolk he warranted an alteration to the sign. Probably because he rigged up these electrics, and I'm guessing he's in here, because if half the town suddenly wanted to throw me to my death, this is where I'd want to be"" I don't know what you" he started to say "Isaac, I think the time for subterfuge has passed. Good afternoon. My name is Kahler-Jex. I'm the doctor""The Kahler. I love the Kahler. They're one of the most ingenious races in the galaxy. Seriously, they could build a spaceship out of Tupperware and moss" the doctor said getting excited "All right. How did you get here" "My craft crashed about a mile or so out of town. I would have died if Isaac and the others hadn't pulled me from the wreckage" jex said telling them what happened " And you stayed, as their doctor""On my world I was a surgeon, so it seemed logical. And it gave me an opportunity to repay my debt to them" he said smiling "Listen to him. Talking like it was nothing. Tell them about the cholera""Now, Isaac, I'm sure our guests are" he started to say "Two years after he arrived, there was an outbreak of cholera. Thanks to the doc here, not a single person died""A minor infection we'd found a treatment for centuries ago" he said smiling "No, no, what, what do you call them? The electric" "Using my ship as a generator, I was able to rig up some rudimentary heating and lighting for the town" he said as he helped the town "So why does the Gunslinger want you" "It don't matter" issac said frowning " I'm just saying, if we knew that" "America's the land of second chances. We called this town Mercy for a reason. Others, some round here, don't feel that way" he said lowering his head "Now, Isaac, we've discussed this"" People whose lives you've saved are suddenly saying we should hand you over" he said looking at jex "They're scared, that's all. You can hardly blame them""Them being scared scares me. War only ended five years back. That old violence is still under the surface. We give up Doc Jex, then we hand the keys of the town over to chaos" he said "Did you try to repair your craft? Surely someone with your skills" "It really was very badly damaged" jex said "We evacuate the town. Our ship's just over the hills, room for everyone. I'll pop out, bring it back here, Robert's your uncle"" Really? Simple as that. No crazy schemes, no negotiations" clone Rebecca said looking at him"I've matured. I'm twelve hundred years old now. Plus I don't want to miss The Archers"" Oh, so you're not even a tiny bit curious" Beth said looking at him" Why would I be curious? It's a mysterious space cowboy assassin. Curious? Of course I'm not curious"" son ? You've still got to get past the Gunslinger. How you going to do that" issac wonder "With a little sleight of hand" the doctor said puting his hat on and walking out Charlotte ran after him and stoped him "hon wait" "Charlotte what wrong" the doctor wonder looking at her Charlotte placed her hand on his cheek " please be safe if you die I" "I know I won't die I promise" he said kissing he on the lips and walked off.

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