Chapter 1

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She woke up to another day in the city. The cars down below already honking away while she sat staring blankly at her scattered desk facing her bed. She sigh at the mess she made, her students work piled up in a corner and a cemetery of her inkless pens lay patheticly by that pile.

Yet another day surviving, she thought as her gaze move towards the calendar hanging on the wall. February 1. She sigh as she force herself up and into the washroom to brush her teeth.

She thought of that man from her dream. One month have passed since then. And his sad eyes still vividly staring back at hers, his lips still felt soft as if the dream just happen.

She almost snickered at herself just at the thought of him. How precious have a man from her dream become to her? Never had a day passed by without her thinking of him. Just that pair of sad eyes...and that tear that rolled down his cheeks. He had became her coping mechanism, or at least that is what she told herself. Every time she let her mind slip into any of the sad memories, he would popped back up in her mind. As if reminding her that someone shared her pain and understood how she felt.

No words were needed, just those pair of eyes, that sad kiss and that tear in the end. Those were enough for her.

Blinking her eyes, her vision focused back to her reflection, her toothbrush still in her mouth as she manage a sad smile.

If she isn't careful enough, she might really believed that he exist somewhere in real life.

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