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Hello, I didn't update X-men in Civil War cause I got a writer's block for this story. It sucks. This One-shot isn't in a specific fandom instead is in multiple ones and will be edited if I think of a new paring or you have a paring you want to see with this prompt, so the summary will be very unspecific. There could be more chapters in this way. A paring can come multiple times if there are different ways to write the prompt.

Ships: Logan x Remy , Spideytorch

Summary: Person A getting hit on and Person B gets possessiv.


Logan x Remy

Warnigs: Threats of Rape/Non-con

Third Person P.O.V.

Logan and Remy were visiting Logan's Cabin in the Rocky Moutains. It was a bit chilly, but enough for them. Remy and Logan laid in bed and Remy using Logan as a pillow. They both slept peacefully for once, till Wolverine smelled a familiar scent.

He immediately woke up and gently shoke Remy awake. Logan said:"I smelled Sabretooth, we should get dressed just in case". Remy just nodded, through as soon as Creed was mentioned he seemed more awake. They suit up and Remy graps an extra pack of cards. As they went outside, Victor Creed busts out of the forest.

As he sees them, he sneers:"Well, I know I smelled the runt, but this explains the sweet smell", he looks Gambit up and down. He continues:"I could treat you right, I'm sure you will make a good mate". Logan pulls Remy behind him and growls to Creed:"He is my mate already, back off!", with that he charges at Creed and *SNIKT* his claws come out mid way. He is met with nothing but thin air, Sabretooth had moved to Gambit who has cards out and charged, he throws them at Creed, who moves out of the way.

He graps Remy, who lets out an snarl and says :"Hands off, Chatton!". Creed only tightens his grip as he looks at Logan and sneeres:"What are you doing know, Jimmy?". Logan let out an growl as gold blend in his blue iris and he turnes feral, he was close to Sabretooth, faster then he realizes what was going on. They fought for a while but even Sabretooth wasn't a match for him.

As Creed retreats, Logan turned to Remy, who gently kneels and hugs him:"Remy's fine, mon amour, I'm okay, can you com' back to moi". Logan slowly comes back to himself and pulls both on their feet, as he hugs Gambit, he said:"You are mine, I ain't let anybody hurt you!". Remy smiled at him, they kiss while they go back inside.


Third Person P.O.V.

Spider-man and Johnny Storm are sitting on the head of Lady Liberty, eating hot dogs and just talking. When Kaine Parker shows up (All I know about him is out of fanfiction, so I needed a bad guy and clones are perfect.) , both stand up and Spidey goes to stand in front of Johnny.

"Oh, don't be that way, share" -Kaine

"What do you want, Kaine"- Peter

"Well, I want to destroy you and I want to enjoy it and there is a way I can do both at the same time, your beloved hot-headed boy toy" -Kaine

"You won't get him"- Peter *shouting*

"He can speak for himself. I already have a spider and I love him. Flame On!" - Johnny with blazing hands

Kaine shots web-fluid at Johnny's hands, cutting off his flames amd pulling him into his chest, holding him close to him with hands on his waist. Johnny struggles to get free and Peter runs towards them,but stops as he sees a hand at Johnnys throat. Kaine laughs evil.

"You two are totally besotted with each other. Tell me Johnny Storm what has he that I don't !?"- Kaine

"I love him for who he is and you aren't him" - Johnny

Kaine hits Johnny across his face sending him across the floor towards Peter who helps him up and gets the web off and holds him close, but this time he doesn't struggle. He turns to Kaine and tells him:" Another thing that makes him diffrent, he would never hurt me, I trust him ".

"You will die, Peter Parker and you will be mine Johnny Storm!" - Kaine

"He won't and I already belong to a spider and I love him"- Johnny

Kaine jumps of the Statue.

Peter holds Johnny close. He was so happy that Johnny was safe, he leans down to kiss him.

Peter asks:"So you are mine?". Johnny looks him in the eyes and tells him:"I am yours and you know that. I love you and not anyone else".
Peter places his hands on Johnnys waist and holds him tight:"mine".

They kiss at the top of lady liberty with the sun setting in the back round.

They suddenly look pale as they notice somebody has to tell Sue that her baby brother got hurt.
End for now, as said it will be edited.


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