Chapter 1

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At first, nothing makes sense.



She had stood there all by herself, in one and the same place. The rain begun to pour, but that was of no concern to her in the face of her ultimate loss.

Then she finally realized that it was all her fault, all this situation, all this suffering was caused by her. She clenched her fist as wet tears began to flow down her beautiful face, mixing with the raindrops. 

Why had it ended like this? Was it all because of them? No. It was because of her herself alone, if she hadn't acted hasty back then, nothing would have happened in the first place.

So much pain and emotion flowed through her body, wet hair hiding her face from the world.

She was selfish again, and he was the one saving her again. But now, he is gone forever and she couldn't do anything.

No longer will she be able to hug him, no longer will she be able to laugh with him. All that remained was a phantom of bygone emotions that she didn't even want to remember because they made her feel endlessly melancholy and pain.

She can still remember his last genuine smile that he sent her when was the last time she saw him.

It's all her own fault.

It's all because of her powerlessness.

"Just why did it have to end like this?!"

She cried out to the world, but no one heard.

She was hitting the chilly sidewalk with her foot, as her golden hair flew furiously behind, reflecting desperation.

After a moment, she paused and collapsed to the ground, not caring that her knees were bloodied by the sudden fall to the hard surface.

"...Just w-why..? "

More and more salty tears dropped.

"...Is it f-fate.. o-or.. something e-else?"

Asking nobody as the sobbing broke out even louder.

The world, however, heard her broken voice crying out as if through agony.

More and more salty tears dropped, minute by minute, while her feelings continued to storm as they did every day from this cruelty of God.

"...Karuizawa-san, please stop crying..."

An equally heartbroken voice spoke up, but the blonde didn't even turn to face the source...

The person behind her happened to be Satou Maya, who once again found her friend alone in the rain, skipping class.

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