Chapter 7

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I tried to deny the fact that it's not possible, that everything the girls in the class say about me including especially Matsushita-san, Shinohara-san and Satou-san are just pure lies-!


But looking into all the events that have taken place in the past, or in the future-now-past-before-my-wish?

"Karuizawa-saaaaaan Hellooo~!"

I crossed my hands and joined my fingers under my chin.

"She's at it again Matshushita-san, what do we do?!"

If however one wants to define it, the truth is self-evident.

"Leave her be, she is likely talking to herself in her head again while trying to detail her thoughts to seem serious to herself.... or something."

Today is the day we have class at the school pool, and that means Kiyotaka will also be there along with his sexy body.

"Woah, as expected from you Matsushita-san, you can even tell with a single glance!"

C-Crap, think I'm turning red on my cheeks! I've to be careful or I'll be teased again!

"M-Maa, anybody could do tell something like this, all it takes is a lot of stalkin-ehem, I-I mean observing people's behavior and expressions closely, but m-maybe you're right.

"Fumu, fumu!"

"Karuizawa-san, your drool is leaking out..."

A-Anyway, I may be a simp, but first and foremost I AM A PROUD SIMP!

Luckily, in class all the girls wear school swimsuits so there's no problem when it comes to that stupid scar on my back. Not that it actually poses a problem anymore because I've already accepted this aspect in myself in the previous timeline, that's what I've decided to call this old reality, and I know Kiyotaka wouldn't care either over something like that.

As for telling the girls, I plan to do it at a later date so there are no awkward scenarios over the summer time.

"Karuizawa-san, the lesson is about to start, get that head out of the clouds already and come on."

Someone grabbed my hand and started pulling, it was Matsushita-san.

"Eeek! Kiyotaka is there, I'm not ready yet Matsushita-san!"

Matsushita-san put her hands on her hips and raised a brow.

She tries to get meee!

"Stop with the antics and let's go! Hey, give up that railing finally-! ૮ - ﻌ-ა"

"Okay... Mouuu... (๑-﹏-๑)"


"And Yamauchi and Ike are at it again, those damn perverts I swear." Shinohara muttered while clutching something that suspiciously looked like a whip in her hand. Don't ask, I don't know where she got it from!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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